Hyacinth rolled her eyes and shrugged. ''It's fine.''

She waved her palm vertically, telling him to proceed to his purpose of visit. Carlos immediately transformed into the serious and aloof guy before glancing over the servants present. Hyacinth noticed his cautious signal and looked at the servants. ''All of you, leave.''

Without question, everyone, excluding Catherine and the young girl, scurried out of the hall and closed the doors.

Just like her brother, and despite being a nanny, Catherine is also a skilled person that is strong enough to protect herself and the young miss against enemies. The very reason why she is allowed to listen to such informations without trouble.

The young girl, on the other hand, was believed to not have any strength to even interfere. She was a prodigy not too long ago, but now, everyone even her sister underestimates her just because of this stupid problem in her blessing.

Also, everything about the discussion directy involves her and her health. Everything Hyacinth does is to find an alternative cure that could replace the effect the Spring's Eye could give. So that they could at least lessen the risk of her life.

Hyacinth looked at Carlos. ''Report the issue.''

Catherine continued to feed her young miss who had nothing but a tired, blank look. Not shown to them, the girl listened attentively to their conversation.

''Yes, m'lady.'' Carlos said and bowed. ''We....have lost track of the great mage, Hryde, my lady.''

''How? Were you not careful enough?''

''My lady we are very careful not to be found.'' Carlos began his explanation. ''Actually, we have lost him for quite a while——err, for a long time. But we tried to find him as hard as we can, just incase, before reporting the issue to you. I apologize, m'lady.''

''I don't want this to happen again. Next time, send me an immediate news. You are not to move without my orders, do you understand?'' Hyacinth reminded him sternly making Carlos bow his head lower.

''Yes, m'lady. I apologize.''

Hyacinth nodded and took one last bite of her meal before standing up and walking towards the doors. She stopped a foot away from the exit. She looks back at Catherine who is wiping the corners of her sister's mouth. ''Catherine, take her back to her room right after. Don't tire her out, it's not healthy.''

''Yes, my lady.'' Catherine said. Hyacinth nodded before leaving, Carlos followed behind her shortly.

While she, who heard her sister's words can't help but clench her jaw. 'Don't tire her out? It's not healthy? Does she think I'm that weak?' Yes, she may have been a lot less stronger compared to before, but that doesn't mean she's weak!

''Miss, let's go back.'' Catherine said.

The girl just sighed softly and nodded. Catherine supported her out of the dining hall and went towards the direction of the young miss' room.


Night fell and so did the wake eyes of everyone in the isolated estate, all except one.

She sat on her room alone, her long raven hair gripped by her thin little arms as she breathed deeply.

Frustration filled her heart. Frustration towards everything that made her stuck in this stupid situation, frustration towards the power given to her at the cost of her health. What's the point of having power, when she isn't even strong enough to use it?

''..why...? Just why!'' She shouted in a whisper as tears pooled her eyes. ''Damn it, damn it, damn it!''

Hitting her chest multiple times, she sobbed in grief as she whispered to herself. ''Weak! Why are you so weak, Anya?!''

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