6. Meet me by the lake.

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Tylers (1st person) POV

I decided to skip my 3rd class and chill with Mathias during her study hall. She told me about this lame ass bench she sits at that's near the football field, even though I was uninterested I still went. I had nothing better to do.

"Tada!" She points to this bench which made me laugh.

She sat down and waved me over to sit next to her. I'm not going to lie the shade was nice over here, plus it was behind the school and sort of secluded so teachers wouldn't come back here much.

Mathias reached inside her bag and grabbed some Takis and an Arizona iced tea. She was munching away and then offered me some, I took a few and we sat in the silence mixed in with the sounds of nature.

"So how did you come up with the idea to 'fake date'?" She looked over while sipping her iced tea.

"I seriously have no idea, I was thinking about it last night on ways to make Kali jealous and then the opportunity came when you started having issues with Rocky."

She nodded and I felt myself start to get thirsty, I grabbed my bag and looked around for some water but I forgot I had already chugged it.

"What are you looking for?"

"Something to drink, those dry ass Takis made my mouth dry."

She handed me her iced tea. "Here, you can have some." She wasn't even looking at me, but it did shock me a bit. Weird niggas would call this 'indirect kissing' which was so fucking stupid. I took the drink and chugged half of it, handing it back to her. She scoffed and shook her head as she reached into her bag and had another bottle.

"How many you got in there? God damn."

"I only carry two because I love Arizona and know how stingy I can be, plus if niggas like you chug my shit I always have a backup." She smiled. It was nice not seeing her being a socially awkward nerd who's always on her phone.

"That's smart." I leaned more into the bench and started to sluch, no wonder she comes back here. This bench is comfortable as fuck.

The bench was barely wet from the rain from earlier so thankfully we were even able to sit here. I liked how the earth smelled after it rains, it smells so...I don't know just good and fresh. It was still a bit sluggish out, but I fuck with this type of weather.

I was enjoying the sounds of the surroundings when Mathias broke the silence once again.

"So, why'd you start liking Kali? How long have you even liked her?"

I shrugged. "I started liking her because last summer me and her used to have a 'fling' I guess. We would go to the lake behind my house and sit on the grass. We made out, and talked, she would sometimes sing to me when it was just the two of us. She has an amazing voice." I sighed and started smiling to myself just thinking about her.

"So if you guys did all those things, why didn't you start dating?"

"Because every time I asked Kali out she would always say 'Tyler I don't want a relationship with you. I feel like it would make the friend group awkward if we even broke up, plus I could never really see you in that way.' and then she would go days without talking to me and go fuck other niggas." I shook my head and then flinched when I felt Mathias's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm super sorry that happened Tyler. I get how emotionally exhausting it must've been having your emotions toyed around like that." She gave me a warm smile that made my heart start to pound fast as fuck, holy shit.

"Thanks, Mathias." I returned the smile and she took her hand off my shoulder.

"So, why'd you start liking that lame ass nigga Rocky?" I looked at her to see her face flushed out when I mentioned Rocky's name.

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