2. It's this girl..

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A/N: tbh im thinking about redoing this chapter so ill let you guys know!!

Tyler's (1st person) POV

I'm by the lockers with Steve, Rocky, and Frank and that's when I see her walking with Enya and Drew. I'm not "attracted" to her like at all I haven't even seen her full face. I'm just.. I don't know nigga. She seems cool, if Enya likes her I'm sure she can't be that bad.

I keep staring at the girl.. Mathias. Her name is actually so dope. Mathias, Mathias, Mat-

"Tyler, who the fuck are you staring at?" Rocky punched my arm and started looking in my direction.

"Bro.." Rocky dead stares at me, "She is so fine..?" He looks at me then backs at her, then he gets Frank and Steve to look at her too.

"She is very pretty," Frank agreed.

"Her style is cool as fuck too," Steve was a geek for fashion.

She suddenly started looking over at us when Enya pointed at our group. We all looked in different directions, acting like we were minding our business.

I look back over and see Enya and Drew waving goodbye to Mathias. They come speed walking at us, Rocky ready to hear all about her.

"Dudes, she is probably the coolest bitch from Texas. Like yall-" Enya starts raving about how funny she is and how her interests definitely would fit in with our group. Drew was also telling us how she was actually tolerable, jokingly of course.

I see her walking in the halls, trying to open her locker. I'm somewhat into someone right now, so all this attention I'm giving her is purely out of curiosity.

I listen to what they're saying, but closely observe Mathias. Her mannerisms are a bit weird, she always seems uncomfortable and nervous. She seemed fine with Enya and Drew a second ago.

Drew, Rocky, Steve, Frank, and Enya were talking and then Kali came over.

"Heyy guys." She waved to everyone, god.. Honestly Kali is my standard. She has an amazing singing voice, her ass is the right amount of nice, she has such a nice body, she's beautiful..fuck my crush on Kali really hasn't gone away.

Kali came in close to the group, standing right next to me.

"What're you guys talking about?"

"Enya and Drew befriended this new girl who is apparently "the coolest person from Texas ever." Frank mocks Enya's voice, causing a few laughs amongst the group.

"What does she look like?" Kali looked around the halls, I looked with her and noticed she was nowhere to be seen.

Enya stares at Drew and they're trying to think of words to describe her.

"Okay, so she's around 5'4, she has superrr curly hair that it's hard to miss it's so pretty, ummm.." Enya looks at Drew for help.

"She dresses like those tiktok bitches, but if those tiktok bitches actually had their own fucking personality. She's very unique with her style." Drew nods at his slightly backhanded compliment, feeling confident with his words.

Rocky cuts in and starts saying some wack shit..

"She has a really nice ass, perfect sized boobs-"

"NIGGA YOU COULDN'T EVEN SEE HER BOOBS." Steve and Frank lost their shit and started laughing, Steve started punching Rocky in the back of his head.

Kali looks at me now, I tense up. Fuck she has really pretty eyes.

"Did you see her too Tyler?"

I nod

"Yeaah, she has like an olive-ish skin tone. Her hair is really fucking curly and brown and..umm."

I shrug and stop talking.

"Well, hopefully I see her around." Kali nods, "What's her name?"

"Mathias, Mathias Johnson." Enya and Drew said in sync, fucking weirdos.

Just as I was about to speak, the bell rung. Me and Kali had the same class, the rest of them have some other class. I don't fucking know.

Me and Kali were walking, she's in front of me.. I can't help but stare at her ass.

I think I forgot to mention..me and Kali used to fuck around here and there. Last summer, we would make out a lot..never anything sexual though. I'm still a virgin sadly, wishing one day Kali would finally let me hit. The thing about Kali is she always says, "Tyler we're just friends with benefits. This could never be a healthy thing between us." And then she goes around, fucking other niggas. Like FUCKING. She'll have sex with them, but not me? It's unbelievable, but at the end of the day she says she doing it to make the friend group feel.. "less awkward."

Anyways, we're shortly arriving to History and I see her.

What is up with her being everywhere? This bitch is every fucking where.

Kali and I walk into the class and Kali spots the girl.

"Tyler. You didn't tell me she was that pretty." Kali shuffles her way over to Mathias and sits next to her.

I've never seen her face up close, how am I supposed to know shit?

"Your name is so lovely, my name is Kali." Kali gave the girl such a beautiful smile.

I stepped closer and sat behind Kali, the girl hadn't noticed.

Kali turns to me and points, "This dude right here is Tyler."

Mathias turns to me, we're actually face to face.

She smiles at me, giving a small wave. "Hi, nice to meet you Tyler."

Her eyes were a dark shade of brown, she had freckles all across her cheeks and nose, her lips were plump and a bright pink color. I blankly stared at the girl as she waited for a response.

Kali hit my arm and that's when I snapped out of it.

"Yo." I nodded and looked at my phone.

She gave a half smile and turned back around.

Kali and her were talking, I couldn't help but steal more glances at the Mathias.


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