3. Self Control

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Tyler's (1st person) POV

It was almost time for class to end, thank god. I fucking hate this class with a passion. The girls are conversing, but I'm not super fixated on whatever they could be talking about.

I went to grab my notebook and pencil and started sketching some weird shirt. I sorta just drew whatever came to my mind, it wasn't a serious hobby but something I liked to do to kill time. I started a drawing of a cat, but the cat was somewhat warped. It had an upside down cross on its forehead and it's eyes were fully blacked out.

While I was drawing, I noticed Kali and Mathias stopped talking so I looked up and noticed Mathias was on her phone and Kali wasn't in her seat. I looked around looking for Kali then tapped Mathias.

"Yo, where did Kali go?"

"Oh, she went to the bathroom." She said, then looked back at her phone. It looked like she was texting someone. It wasn't really my business, so I went back to drawing.

I got bored and put my notebook away and grabbed my phone. I started scrolling through my Instagram timeline, while scrolling the silence between me and Mathias would be occasionally broken by her giggling to herself. Fucking weirdo..

I was scrolling on my timeline still and that recommendation box popped up with random instagram accounts, I was about to scroll and noticed a username. 'm4th1as_' . My curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on her account.

She had a few posts and around 563 followers.

I noticed Enya, Drew and Kali had already followed her. I was deciding on my decision, I didn't want her to think I searched around for her account but I also was sort of curious about her social media presence. I decided to just ask her.

"Hey Mathias."

"Yeah?" She turned around in her seat, facing me.

"Umm..my friend Rocky wanted to know if he could get your instagram. He asked me to ask you since he's to much of a bitch to ask you himself." I lied straight through my teeth bro, hopefully she believes this lame ass excuse.

"Oh, sure." She grabbed a sticky note and wrote down her username. She then handed it to me and I nodded.

She turned back into her original seating position. Texting and scrolling on her phone once again.

Kali eventually came back, she looked so fucking fine. I think it's official to say I have a huge crush in Kali.

Time passed while Kali and I were talking, then the bell rung. Great...next period.

Mathias's (1st person) POV

The bell rung and I collected my stuff. I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye to Tyler and Kali before walking out the classroom.

Kali was the only one who waved back, I have a feeling Tyler isn't very fond of me. He sorta makes me feel uncomfortable in a way, like a really weird feeling of anxiousness and nervousness that he's judging me on the low.

I checked my schedule and noticed I had study hall next, fuck yes. I could probably just chill outside on a bench or something.

I put on my headphones and shuffled my playlist until a song I was in the mood for came on. I started making my way to the bathroom to freshen up when I felt my phone vibrate. I checked and seen I had gotten 4 new followers.

'scumfuckflowerboy, datboyfr4nk, steve.lacy and asap_norocky started following you.'

I thought for a second and almost forgot that I gave Tyler my instagram. His friend Rocky wanted it but I guess since they seen the opportunity, all his friends just followed me. It wasn't a big deal, I didn't post much anyways. I have like 14 posts on my entire profile and the rest were highlights of me, songs I listen to, my friends and random places I traveled to.

Awkward | Tyler the CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now