Uther and the Worlock (pt2)

Start from the beginning

"Impossible! Emrys is just a myth!" Uther denied. Merlin gave a small, sad smile.

"And yet here I am. I was born with magic which makes me a warlock not a sorcerer. I didn't choose to learn magic. As Emrys, it is my destiny to protect the Once and Future King of Albion. Arthur is the Once and Future King. I would never harm him," Merlin replied sincerely.

"Why should I believe you?" Uther demanded.

"I'll show you," Merlin slowly lifted his hands up to Uther's temples, giving him time to move away, but Uther found he trusted the boy for some reason, staying put, and whispered an incantation. Uther fell asleep, beginning to watch Merlin's memories. Merlin put Uther on his horse and walked both horses until night fell.


Uther awoke and found himself laying on his bedroll. He couldn't believe what he had seen. The boy was so young, but was so burdened and had lost everything. Uther didn't know why everything was different with Merlin, but it was. Uther didn't have the heart to kill him right away, and found he trusted him deeply.
Uther saw a steaming bowl of stew next to him though it was well into the night. The boy was asleep and had taken his shirt off. If Uther didn't believe him before, he definitely did now. His back was littered with scars. He saw the serket sting and many others. The more he saw, the more he felt the need to protect the boy. Ugh, but he's a sorcerer.


What difference does it make?

He didn't have a choice.

It's still treason!

He's saved yours and Arthur's lives on more than one occasion.

He still has magic.

Which makes the fact that he's protected you from the shadows even greater.

He's deceived everyone.

Yet you still trust him.

Maybe he's not the typical sorcerer...

You're realizing this now?!

I need to eat while I think about this...
Uther continued internally arguing with himself as he ate. Every now and then he would look at Merlin as if he would suddenly wake up and kill him. It never happened. Uther didn't sleep at all, too busy thinking. When dawn broke Merlin woke up. He stood , startling Uther who was lost in thought.

"Sire, did you sleep well? Are you hungry? I'm sorry for enchanting you, I should have asked first. I didn't even know if you wanted to see that or not? Are you going to execute me? I'm sorry, dumb question. My crime is punishable by death and-" Uther silenced Merlin's rant with a single hand being held up. Merlin flinched as if Uther was going to smack him.

"I thought a lot about what I saw, and I've decided...You won't be sent to death yet. I have no reason to trust you, but I also see no reason not too. I'm giving you a second chance, Merlin. You can stop practicing magic and stay in Camelot, or you can leave and I won't bother you," Uther offered.

"I'm afraid I can do neither, my lord. It is my destiny to protect Arthur, so I cannot leave Camelot. As for not practicing magic, I can't do that either. I am magic. I need magic like you need blood. Without it, I'll die. And if I don't use it, weird things will happen. I'm constantly overflowing with magic, so it needs an outlet. I'd rather you kill me," Merlin denied, kneeling on the ground.

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