Chapter 5

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(A/N: Previously one of my readers asked if I considered Mitsuya as a top? And my answer to that is yes and he also gives me a total switch vibe. Like Mitsuya is a Gemini and so is Ran. They're experimental, charismatic and a bit daring I must say. That's why they both attract and repel one another at the same time. And because of @sadmargarita's spicy review and question in the previous chapter, I was inspired to do a spicy chapter with Mitsuya as a top so prepare for some spicy and sinful content from this latest chapter. Enjoy the ride while it lasts).

"Do you take Ryuuguuji Ken as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked Emma calmly.

"I do." Emma replied smilingly as he looked at Draken.

The priest nodded then turned towards Draken and asked the same question. "Do you take Sano Emma as your lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Draken replied simply as he smiled back at Emma.

Mitsuya watched smilingly from his aisle as his best friend finally exchanged their vows and rings with Emma. Today was the day of Draken and Emma's wedding. Aside from Emma looking ethereally beautiful on the gown that he designed and created for her and Draken looking dashing and refined from the three-piece tailored suit that he created for him, he was also proud of them since his best friend was in love with Mikey's sister ever since they were teenagers. And the same could be said about Emma as well.

Mikey also looked genuinely ecstatic and satisfied at the sight since he was protective of his little sister and was now at peace when he knew that she ended up with one of his closest friends since he knew that he could entrust the wellbeing and safety of his little sister into Draken's hands. Hina also looked very much happy for her best friend, and it was no secret that Hina had always been supportive of Emma and Draken's relationship ever since they got together in a relationship.

Izana was silent yet he sported a look of contentment on his face which was rare considering that he had always had a look of cold condescension on his face. Maybe because he had a soft spot for his little sister ever since they were kids. Despite him clashing attitudes with Mikey sometimes, just one admonishing look or beratement from Emma and he'd quiet down for a little bit. It was safe to assume that he had a soft spot for Emma just like with their eldest brother, Shinichiro.

Mitsuya was already at ease when his eyes accidentally swept over Ran's direction in another pew and their eyes met. He turned away quickly and focused his attention on the priest and the newlywed couple in front of him. It's been a week since their last thrilling rendezvous with one another. After that, they didn't talk about it. Although the incident was repeated with Ran instigating a bout of quickies in a risky place where they could be seen.

The audacity.

But Mitsuya also wanted to punch himself for letting Ran got his way with him that easily.

Damn it to hell.

Just thinking about it made his arousal surge into the roof.

Fuck. He needed to stop thinking about it or else he will have a raging hard on which was more mortifying than his wild thoughts about the man himself.

Mitsuya tried to calm himself and erased the nasty thoughts inside his head. For fuck's sake. He's inside a church and in a holy place. But his innermost thoughts alone could land him in hell if he didn't stop it.

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