Chapter 1

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(A/N: This is the 6th part of my short series collection called, "Fire in My Heart." If there are "friends with benefits" tag, then ofc "enemies with benefits" also exists and Ransuya pairing exudes this kind of trope especially at their interactions in the manga lol. This is an AU meaning to say they're in another modern, normal setting with no gangster shit happening here and they're in legal age participating in adult activities. For now, this is rated T, but it will later change in the future chapters for the explicit sexual content incoming so be prepared for the sin as always. I don't own anything from the franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful franchise Lastly, credits to @RINDWUO on twitter for this beautiful image of Ran).

"Stop fidgeting Takemichi. I'm trying to get your exact measurements for your suit since you'll be one of the bridesman at the wedding. Also, because this will be Ken and Emma's wedding, everything needs to be perfect." Mtisuya intoned casually as he watched the digits in the measurement tape across Takemichi's shoulders and finally jot the details down on his notepad.

"Sorry Mitsuya-kun. The collar in my shirt feels itchy that's all." Takemichi laughed nervously as he complied to his words and remained perfectly still like a mannequin on his hands.

"You mean to say you're not used to wearing fashionable clothes that Hina shopped for you partner." Chifuyu remarked lazily as he flipped on another page of the manga.

Takemichi resisted the urge to retort at his remark and remained at a stock still while Mitsuya tried to finish gathering the full measurement of his body, but a vein popped in his forehead.

"Okay. I've got all of it." Mitsuya finally let him go and Takemichi breathed out a sigh of relief before he went to sit down beside Chifuyu and flicked his forehead.

"Shut up you dumbass. As if you didn't have a fashion disaster when you decided to have our club uniforms back in college to be a damn shirt with a literal cat design on the front. Takemichi glared at him without any heat.

"Oi. We don't bring that up here when we're talking about your fashion mistakes especially when you're out on a date with Hina!" Chifuyu shot back and the two of them bickered childishly like it's in an everyday occurrence to their daily lives.

"Hey you two. Stop squabbling here. If you're both done now, better take it outside." Mitsuya chided at them casually without looking up from his notepad as he busied himself in making some further calculations and adjustments to the measurements he gathered earlier.

The two stopped arguing even though there were some pouts adorning their faces.

"By the way Mitsuya-kun, are you going to the stag party later for Draken-kun?" Takemichi asked.

"Yep. I'm going tonight." Mitsuya replied offhandedly.

"You better. Draken will be pissed off if you weren't there. We all know how you can get carried away with your work that sometimes you sleep at the office." Chifuyu arched a brow.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going, okay? This is Ken's stag party so I'm not gonna miss it. Already booked my schedule and alarm for that." Mitsuya replied casually as he twirled his pencil on the desk.

"See you later then. C'mon partner. I will help you actually pick normal clothes that will suit you for the party later." Chifuyu grabbed Takemichi's arm as they went outside of his office. Mitsuya could still hear an indignant remark from the other that he doesn't need help in picking out his clothes.

A sigh escaped from his lips as he finished a general sketch of what his suit will look like. There were still the other pending designs for the gowns of the bridesmaids and for the bride herself. But Mitsuya tried not stress himself out and immersed himself into too much work today since he had a stag party that he needed to attend to. He still had a month to complete them all. He didn't want to appear goddamn exhausted and listless later at the party hence he was taking it one step at a time when it comes to his work today. He leaned back on his swivel chair and spun it around aimlessly until he faced his office window where his eyes landed on another fancy boutique at the opposite side of his own.

His lips curled up in derision and his brows spoke up in volumes upon the fleeting image of a familiar yet annoying face of a mischievous and cunning businessman floating inside his head.

Ran Haitani.

Those hooded yet dark and glittering wine-colored orbs never failed to shoot him that look which either unnerved or made his hackles rose. Even though he was a calm and collected person most of the time, there was something in his gaze that always made his guard up and a shadow of askance bloomed within him. His languid teasing and remarks would always be directed at him with that bedroom voice of his whenever they clashed with one another and that would always make a vein popped in his forehead. If Ran's objective was to get a rise out of him then he will not give him the satisfaction of it.

Especially his objective of—

Mitsuya stopped his line of thoughts midway, not wanting to get himself in a bad mood.


He will not give in.

He knew his worth. He knew how talented he was. And he won't let himself to be lured in a trap presented by that cunning businessman himself.

His hands won't get near into his precious designs.

Over his drop, dead gorgeous face, and body.

"Which brand of shades do you think would go best with my attire for tonight, Rin?" Ran asked casually as he held up a pair of Ray Ban aviators on his right hand while he held a pair or Tom Ford sunglasses in his left hand.

"Just pick which one you like better. It's basically the same Ran." Rin replied offhandedly as he scrolled down on his newsfeed from his phone.

Ran feigned a scandalous gasp as he stared wide eyed at his brother. "This is an important event Rin! We need to look our best as always!"

"Stop being so damn extra." Rin rolled his eyes. "You're not the one who is the main celebrant of the stag party so don't steal the attention."

"What can I say? I just have it in me brother even if I don't try out that much." Ran chuckled lightly as he opted for the Tom Ford sunglasses this time and put back the Ray Ban aviators inside his drawer.

"Whatever. Are you sure we're going? I mean we're not exactly buddies with them during college y'know? If anything, it's Izana who extended the invitation towards us since we're part of his circle." Rin questioned.

"Oh, c'mon Rin stop being a party pooper. Think of it like a normal hang out at the bar and we don't pass up the opportunity to accept an invitation coming from Izana seeing that he didn't do that as always. It's more of like trying to strengthen his bonds with his notorious brother, Mikey or whatever shit that is. So, yeah we're going." Ran smiled cheerfully at him which seemed uncanny on his face considering his perchance for some mischief as always.

Rin could only sigh in defeat. There's no stopping his brother once he made up his mind over it.

"Yeah, yeah. Just help me iron my suit later this evening." He replied in a voice.

Ran hummed softly in response, his eyes glimmering.

He can't wait to attend the stag party later this evening.

He can sense that things were about to get interesting.

(A/N: Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).

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