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I look at Jace with another shocked expression on my face

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I look at Jace with another shocked expression on my face.  "You don't drive when you're high, do you?" I ask worried. 

"No" he answers honestly, and I choose to believe him. "I figured you can drive, but I forgot that you... sorry" he says rambling. Right, he's still not sober. I remember the few glasses of wine I had, but that was hours ago and I don't even feel the buzz anymore.

"It's alright, it's not far from here. I'll drive" I answer, and Jace hands me his keys without protesting. Inside of the car, I turn on the radio before pulling the seat forward so I can reach the pedal. I need to cover some of this awkward silence. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to go to the place I used to call my home here in Seattle.

"What made you change your mind?" Jace asks me quietly, as I start the engine and pull out of the parking spot. "Please don't tell me it was pity" he adds.

"It wasn't pity. I don't know, I guess I saw that you needed it. And maybe I need it too" I admit. I wonder if he'll be able to remember our conversation in the morning, but I don't really know how cocaine or any other drug works for that matter. It seems as if he's accepting my answer, and I can feel him looking at me while I drive.

"You look fucking gorgeous today, Mila. You always do" he says, and I have to keep myself from smiling at his charm. If he'd be drunk and just rambling about all of this stuff it would probably be funny, but nothing about his drug problem is amusing.

"Thank you" I say quietly, and we spend the rest of the five minute drive in silence. Soon, I see the familiar apartment complex and I park Jace's car in his spot. I didn't have one bit of anxiety during the drive. I wonder why. For some reason I'm not even worried about being alone with Jace anymore. Obviously I still don't know what happened, but Austin comforted me about the whole situation."He's still your Jace" I remember his voice from earlier. 

The both of us exit the car and make our way upstairs. When Jace unlocks the door, I see that everything's still in the same spot. The only difference is that the place is extremely messy. When I first came here, this apartment was spotless and clean all the time. My heart aches, because this visibly shows how miserable he is. "Sorry for the mess" Jace mumbles, almost a little embarrassed. He starts to pick some clothes up from the floor. 

"It's okay" I whisper back, still spotting some things that belong to me here. I never came to pick everything up, I've never had the courage to do so. Placing my purse on the floor, I join Jace by putting some dishes in the kitchen away. I don't know what else to do right now.

"Stop, Mila. You don't have to do that" Jace insists, taking the things out of my hand. "I'll handle it tomorrow" he adds, and I wonder if it'll actually happen. I wonder why I'm here or how our talk is going to go. I wonder many things at the moment. Jace stands awfully close to me, I can almost feel his breath on my face. My brain is screaming at me to move away, but my heart tells me to lean in even closer just to feel him near again. My brain wins this time. "It feels good to have you here" Jace says honestly, noticing that it's time for him to back away.

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