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Next game: Squid game

Y/n's POV

"Player 087, Player 218, and player 456... Welcome to the final game. Before we begin we'll flip a coin and decide who plays offense or defense. Please pick a shape, triangle, or square."

Sang-woo had Sae's blood all over his face. I wanted to kill him, I had to. He killed the love of my life, he can't just get away with that... Gi-hun and I decided to team against Sang-woo. I felt dazed, nothing seemed real. But it was real. My cheeks were tough from the dried tears.

"Triangle" Gi-hun says.

The guard flips the coin flinging it up into the air and catching it between his hands.

"It's a triangle," The guard tells us. "Please pick either offense or defense"

Gi-hun and I both glances at each other talking with our eyes before turning back and looking at Sang-woo.

"Offence" I mutter.

"Player 087 and 456 will be playing offense. 218 will defend" The guard announces.

The guards open the door behind them and the square guard leads us out into the middle of the room. It was a small room, the ground had sand and the walls had sky wallpaper. The room looked familiar... I looked to my right and noticed the doll from the red light, green light. I then remembered when Sae helped me, if she hadn't helped me there I'd be dead now...

"For the final game, you lot will be playing Squid game." The guard announces to us. "Let me explain the rules of the Squid game. One, the attackers must enter the square-shaped court run past the defense, and tap the area inside the squid's head with their foot to win the game. Two, the defender must attack the attacker's advance and force them outside the court's bounds in order to win. Three, if the situation arises in which a player is unable to continue playing the game the last player standing is the winner."

The guard stops and turns to us.

"A player is unable to continue. Could you explain that?" Gi-hun asks the guard.

"That would be referring to a player's death. And now with that lets the game begin" The guard steps back.

(A/N: PLEASE READ! I am not very familiar with the game squid game so if I make a mistake please forgive me! I haven't ever played it before so I am not 100% sure!)

Gi-hun and I walked to the area we had to be at snd Sang-woo stood still. Gi-hun leans down and ties his shoes. I continue to glare at Sang-woo hate in my eyes. He took the love of my life away. Gi-hun stands back up and hops on one foot over to the next spot. Gi-hun instantly rushes over with his knife raised. I follow behind Gi-hun, hopping on one foot.

"We always used to play this as kids," Gi-hun tells Sang-woo. "When we'd cross, remember what we would call it?"

"Who cares?!" Sang-woo lunges towards Gi-hun, knife raised.

I jerk back a little bit Gi-hun lifts his hand and throws dirt into Sang-woo's eyes making him cover his face and wince. Gi-hun walks over to the next spot me following close behind. Both of us stared at Sang-woo with disgust.

Sang-woo swung his knife around frantically trying to get us but to no avail. Gi-hun stops walking and I stop behind him too. Sang-woo opened one eye and looked at us.

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