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I turn and look at her. She stared down at her hands.

"I didn't want you to worry, plus... I didn't think it was that bad" I explain.

I look at my palms. There was more blood from the guy I had killed then from the actual cuts on my hands from the glass. The cuts weren't as bad as I originally thought. A few slight cuts here and there.

"Lets make a new rule" Sae sighs. "If any one of us gets hurt, we tell each other... We don't have to tell the whole group. Just each other"

"Okay" I smile. "Sounds good"

- - -

Y/n's POV

Luckily they convinced the doctor to help me. It took them a long time but he agreed. The group he was in didn't agree though, they were livid but we didn't care. He stitched up my leg and put some cloth on it from an abandoned pillowcase, he also cleaned it with some water. He wrapped some cloth around my hands too but they weren't bad. While he stitched my leg I held onto Sae's hand and winced. He wasn't gentle at all, he was just trying to get it over with.

"My god, will you be more gentle?" Sae complains.

The doctor gave her a nasty look with his eyes through his glasses which he kept readjusting. He looked back down at the wound and stuck the needle into my skin making me wince and cry out.

"Dude! Can't you see your hurting her? Can't you try and at least be more gentle?!" Sae snarls.

"I'm trying to get this done as quickly as I can so she can heal quicker and she'll be in less pain!" He snaps at Sae. "I don't even need to be doing this right now. I could easily let your helpless asses deal with her so she can either get a blood infection and die or she'd just bleed out"

Sae continued giving him a nasty look before looking back at me. We both knew he was right, he was showing us a great deal of kindness by doing this for me. He could easily let me die if he wanted to. I mean, doing this for me helped him in no way. I think everyone knew my chances of winning were really slim now, people were probably going to target the ones that were hurt. Once we finished he told me to take it easy and do my best to not strain to play the next rounds. He told me I'd be okay for the most part. He cleaned up his stuff and walked back over to the group.

"Are you okay?" Sae asks me kindly helping me sit up.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Do you need anything?" She asks.

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry" I blink.

"If your sure" Sae nods.

Sae sat next to me. We sat against the wall in the back behind a fallen down bunk where nobody could see us, not even our team but we weren't far from them.

"What do you think the next game will be?" I ask her.

"I don't know... So far they've been children's games" She shrugs. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Nope... I wish there were clues or something" I sigh. "That would help us so much"

"Yeah, that would be cool" She nods.

Then we were silent for a moment.

"Do you think people like 101's group will target me now? Since I'm injured?" I ask slowly.

"I sure hope not." She says. "But... you'll be fine either way."

"Maybe" I shrug.

"Do you think you'll make it through all the games?" Sae asks.

Worth something | Sae-Byeok x Y/n (Fem) |Where stories live. Discover now