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Y/n's POV

Her and I stayed like that for a long time. Hand in hand just in silence. We stayed like that until dinner time. But even then neither of us wanted to get up and leave each other's side. 


We both got in line, Sae was behind me. I couldn't help but wonder if Sae liked me romantically, and I couldn't help but wonder if I liked her back. It was too early to tell, but I needed to figure out my feelings, we were running on limited time. Who knows I could die in the next round, she could die in the next round. The thought of her death made my stomach twist and my thoughts race. I knew everyone in this room except one person was gonna die. I wondered who that person was going to be. Hopefully, it was Sae or me. It would be terrible if 101 won or something. From the line beside me, I heard some hassling and saw a bunch of people from 101's team cutting in front of a lady. The poor lady tried to stand up for herself against 212 but 101 shoved his way in too and got into her face. I felt bad for her, he'd already gotten his food same with his whole team. Once It was my turn I took my egg and water.

It wasn't much but it was fine. Food was food. Once Sae and I got our food she led us back to her bed. We sat like we were before. I held the bottle of water between my knees and I slowly ate the hard-boiled egg.

"Please sir we need to eat!" A man shouts.

I looked up as the square masked man pulls a gun out at the frantic man. Everyone in the room quieted down and listened.

"It was prepared for the exact number," The square guard says.

"Excuse me," A woman shouts. "It was them, they... They skipped the line in seconds. I saw it"

Everyone looks at 101's group as they quickly finish there eggs.

"Hey? What's the matter, everybody... Jeez," 101 grumbles. "Never seen a guy eat before? Is that it?"

The man who was freaking out about not being able to eat begins storming up to 101's group. The man was really skinny, like really skinny and linky. If he were to get into a fight with 101 he'd stand absolutely no chance.

"Who do you think you guys are?" He points at 101's group. "That's my food you just ate"

"Ah, so this is yours?" 101 asks lifting the green glass bottle. "Is your name on it? Cause I sure don't see anything"

Their bullying was so unoriginal and annoying. The group burst out in laughter but the man's face stayed serious and angry. I knew this wasn't going to end well if the idiot dude didn't stand down.

"I'm sorry," He says sarcastically.

101 lifted the bottle and began drinking it but the idiot man wasn't having it. The man ran at 101 making the water splash everywhere. 101 and he fought back and forth as the idiot man shouted out 'give it to me!'. 101 pushed the man a little bit making the glass bottle fall onto the ground and shatter and the remaining liquid was now undrinkable.

"You idiot!" 101 grabs the man by the collar of his neck just like he had with Sae.

"Why did you break it? Huh? You jerk!" He swung his arm back. "How was this?"

101 punched the man in the face really hard. The man's head bobbled from the impact before he fell to the ground. People gasped and stood up slowly. I wanted to help the man, 101 would probably kill him. I leaned up to get off the bed but Sae put her hand on my shoulder stopping me, she shook her head with a serious expression.

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