
Maybe I had been lucky until now. I might be the 'sunfish' rather than Yoo Jonghyuk.

Sukak! Supaak!

Meanwhile, Jung Heewon and Lee Jihye were steadily dealing damage from the rear. It was a combination of 'Sword Training' and 'Kendo.' Noticeable sword wounds were being dealt with the T-Rex's big legs. If this continued, it might take some time but the T-Rex would be defeated. "Hyung! I'll draw its attention!" The boy didn't listen to me about staying in the rear. 

"No, Gilyoung you―" He ignored my words and yelled the following words "I can do it!" All of a sudden, Lee Gilyoung came forward and started to make an unknown signal. I wanted to say something. Then a huge praying mantis came from somewhere, stabbed the T-Rex's eyes, and fled. It was the Titano that Lee Gilyoung had been talking to before.


The T-Rex's eyes moved confusedly as it followed the praying mantis that disturbed its vision. Lee Gilyoung used dazzling hand movements to control the praying mantis. I looked at Lee Gilyoung with a fresh mindset.

Wasn't this guy a hugely fraudulent character? No wonder why Yoo Jonghyuk coveted him. Thanks to Lee Gilyoung's success, the battlefield quickly became advantageous. The T-Rex's movements became duller while a red light shone in Jung Heewon and Lee Jihye's eyes.


[Demon Slayer].

It made them vulnerable to mental attacks but it was a good skill that made them stronger when they were excited. The sight of the two women's eyes burning as they watched the rainforest was truly spectacular.

It was a pity that I had lost Lee Jihye to Yoo Jonghyuk. However, Jung Heewon also had overwhelming growth potential. Judge of Destruction was a good attribute and she didn't have a sponsor yet. Given the fact that her sword corresponds to her ability is such a sight to behold.

[Blade of Faith is activated!]

It felt like the T-Rex's stamina had decreased considerably. It was time to deal the final blow. I started to focus on my remaining magic power. I didn't have a sponsor, nor was I as fast as Jung Heewon or Lee Jihye. But that didn't mean my attack power was weak. I had a fraudulent system that overcame all of this. Ether Blade.


[The special option of Unbroken Faith is activated.]

[The ether property is converted to 'fire.']

An enormous amount of magic power was sucked in and my physical fatigue became extreme. But I didn't mind because there was a way to supplement it later. The blade increased by one meter and was surrounded by flames.

I ran to the rear of the Tyrannosaurus. "Everybody out of the way!" The moment that the Tyrannosaurus hesitated and its movements slowed, I climbed its tail. I almost fell over a few times because I didn't have the 'Sense of Balance' but I somehow held on by stabbing the blade into the epidermis.


The T-Rex poured out blood and its body rolled across the ground. I rammed the blade in wherever I could. Flames poured into the wounds caused by the blade. The yellow eyes of the T-Rex stared at me as it gasped painfully, before finally dying.

[You have succeeded in being the first to hunt the 7th-grade species 'Tyrannosaurus Rex!']

[You have obtained 1,000 coins as compensation.]

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