Mild Injury Flaw [6]

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Uh so I'm really sorry that I have not updated for a LONG time
Tbh I don't know how to continue this xD
Eh I'll figure it out...
Oh and yes
There is no Hera in this story cos well I um kinda forgot about her...
So Persephone is on the council TEMPORARILY cos Hera's busy hunting down a person.....

Gummy's PoV
It's good to bee back!!!
You will knot beelieve how long this person takes to update!!

Whale let's get into it......

"Perseus shall be banished!!!" Poseidon grinned.

Percy sighed. "Atleast let me say goodbye to my mom..." he said.
"Perce she's....... Sally died.." Thalia said softly.

"Oh.. right.. I- I knew that.." Percy said sadly.

"Oh um Neeks.. here's a watch. I... I found it at my mom's.. a-apartment and I just uh.... Here just take it." Percy said, as he shoved a watch into his bestfriend's hand.

Percy must've pressed a button or something the the side of watch when he gave it Nico because all of a sudden, everyone, except for a select few, froze.
They stopped what they were doing
It's like they looked into Medusa's eyes and froze... minus the whole turning to stone thing.

"What the fu.. I mean what the Tartarus just happened?" Nico quickly corrected himself before Hestia could notice.

"Dunno.. Percy pressed that button thingy and poof! Everyone's frozen except us.. I guess we're special!!" Apollo said.

"....nd then.. wait but I wasn't..." Percy kept muttering to himself, not noticing the strange bluish-red veins on his hands.

"Perce did you.... by any chance get a tattoo of bluish-red veins?" Thalia asked

"What?" Percy said, with a confused look on his face.

"His fatal flaw......." Nico muttered.

"What'd you say Nico?? I didn't hear hear you" Apollo yelled from across the room.

"He.... Percy's dying.. he's actually dying I-"

"His fatal flaw..." Apollo finally caught on.

"It's killing him. Hence it's called a 'FATAL flaw' not a mild injury flaw no.. a fatal flaw. With so many people turning on him... it's killing him.." Nico explained when everyone looked at him.

I am so sorry I haven't written in soo long
Sorry this chapter is really short
I barely had time to write so it might be really bad so sorry about that..
okay byeeee

Everyone has feelings.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora