Obedr [5]

281 7 15

How are y'all?
Our parents took us to a....... A Seafood Restaurant-
I refused to eat.
I drank like 4 Mountain Dews and ate like 1 piece of chicken...
My brother said 'I read Percy Jackson too but it was never this bad...'
And I responded with 'that's cos it was always good.'
And he just stared at me.
For five seconds before the both of us just started laughing which caused other people to look at us weirdly.
Whale that's the last time I'll get to laugh with him again.....
Okay I feel like I'm bi....
I have no idea why but like one day I just decided to take a random quiz for fun and I closed my eyes and randomly typed in letters which were...... 'lgt quiz' which then went to 'I think you mean LGBTQ+ quizzes'
And then I picked a buzzfeed quiz which was 'are you bi? Let's find out!' And apparently I'm '100% Bi! You give off huge bi vibes'
I've always been questioning my sexuality and I know that a quiz doesn't label or define me or anything but maybe I am...?
Okay I'm gonna stop here and write

Percy's PoV
I know I know 'where's gummy?'
Well he's on vacation
So deal with it.
Percy is now Bored
No he literally found his birth certificate and wrote 'Bored' on top of 'Perseus'
In Greek
He tried in English but uh 'Obedr' woulda been his name. That actually sounds kinda cool tho ngl

Hermes gave me my mom's Blue Cookie Recipe....
It's official
Hermes is now my favourite god.

Let's sea....
What happened in the last twenty-four hours hours since Hermes gave me the recipe....

I'm gonna get banished to Tartar Sauce
I got beat up and almost lost an arm..
I made friends with a dracanae I didn't want to kill..
Mrs. O Leary now has a..... girlfriend? I think.. I'm so happy for her!! :D
I found a cool ring and a watch that I probably won't use.
Oh and the Olympians decided to shift the timing of the meeting or whatever? I dunno
They don't tell us anything!!!
Annabeth's officially cheating on me!!
Oh and did I mention I was gonna get banished to Tartar Sauce?
Oh and I saw some kids reading something called 'Kane Chronicles'?
The work of Carter and Sadie.
Yes I said Carter first because people always say hi to Sadie first so I thought it should change!

Cue Thunderpants' thundering.

Gummy's PoV cos it's easier to be myself rather than Percy
I woke up at 3 today

Okay so they got flashed to Olympus
Blah blah blah
Percy escaped
Different galaxy.....

I forgot to tell you didn't I?
Now I have to get into his escape?!

The demigods were flashed to Olympus where the vote was going to be held.

Poseidon was grumbling.
Gabriel was also there.
Camp Jupiter had no idea this was happening.

"Demigods!!" Zeus zeused.
"Yes. That's them. Now can we hurry up Zeus? I have places to be!!" Hades said.

"Fine brother."

"All in favour of Percy be-" Poseidon was cut off by mentioned person, "You have lost the right to call me that...." He said sadly.

"All in favour of Percy living?" Hades asked.

Hades raised him hand. "He treated Nico normally. Welcomed him. Even after he came out. He doesn't deserve banishment."

"He has hope.... H-he speaks to me everyday. Sacrifices food for me.. he's a good person. He doesn't deserve the Pit." Hestia said softly.

"He accepted my son. He was a hero.. influenced at a young age.. I-" Hermes words got stuck in his throat when he spoke about Luke.

"He rescued my little sis. He's also a great cousin!" Apollo said cheerfully.

Zeus just raised his hand. He didn't say anything.

Aphrodite looked very sad, furious and was basically ready to murder someone.

Dionysus was asleep. Aphrodite raised his hand for him.

"And those in favour of him being banished?"

Poseidon (don't need to explain)
Athena (also don't need to explain)
Demeter (apparently he didn't eat enough cereal?!)
Artemis (Apollo felt very betrayed and disappointed)
Persephone (cos her mother said so)
Ares (again, doesn't need explanation)
Hephaestus caught a menacing glare from Poseidon which said (choose me or I will kill you and make you fade. I will also hurt your children)
Hephaestus really wanted to vote for Percy to live.

Percy understood.

"Sea why we need you to decide?" Hermes asked, "Not that there should be any decision.." he mumbled.

"Whale I vote for Percy to stay!!!" Leo said.
"I agree with Leo." Thalia said.
Grover too agreed.
So did The Stolls, but their vote counted as one.

Annabitch, Keith, Jason, Piper and Calypso voted for him to be banished.

"Nico? Who're you gonna pick?" Annabitch asked sweetly, giving him the 'I like you too' kinda look.

"Percy shell........... be.."

Percy felt like he'd been stabbed.
Nico was choosing Annabeth over him..

"Kept here and not banished to that horrid place." Nico said quickly, the look on his face daring anyone to disagree with him.

"It is decided then brother!!!" Poseidon said cheerfully.
"Perseus shall be banished!!!" Poseidon was smiling. Ear to ear.

Sorry this is waaay too short


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