
Merlin jumped, surprised at the sound.



"Aithusa! You're speaking! That's wonderful love!" Merlin exclaimed, placing a kiss on the dragon's head. They sat together then, just watching the water and the sun crawl across the sky. Merlin had begun humming after a while, as he stroked a hand over the rough dragon scales. After a while he started singing. He sat with Aithusa and sang, just reveling in the feel of the sunshine and the fact that he didn't have anyone who expected anything of him right now. Right here he was free to be himself. At one point as he sang he thought he caught a glimpse of Freya watching him from the shallows of the lake.


"Hmm?" Instead of an answer, Merlin heard Aithusa's stomach rumble, and his own echoed shortly after. "Ah. Alright, let me get some food. You stay right here love, I'll get something to eat." Merlin put some wood together in a small pit in front of the dragon-hut. Aithusa blew flames at it to get it started and smiled at Merlin proudly once they were crackling away. "That's fantastic." Merlin reassured the dragon. He didn't take long catching a few rabbits and a pheasant. Merlin tossed one of the rabbits towards Aithusa who snapped it up in one gulp. He dressed the remaining rabbit and pheasant to make a stew with the herbs he'd also collected. As he sat there he started singing again. Aithusa seemed to enjoy it and would hum along with him. He ate and settled down in the small hut next to Aithusa as the stars came out. Aithusa's head settled in his lap and he lay his hand protectively over the lean neck.

Merlin couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so soundly. It was like he had needed Aithusa to chase away his fears and stress all this time. When Merlin cracked his eyes open in the morning light, it was to find a confused knight of Camelot staring at him. Merlin blinked several times to make sure he wasn't seeing things.



"Uh, hello ...", Merlin's voice was still deep from sleep and he didn't want to wake Aithusa.

"Merlin, where have you been? And why are you cuddling a dragon?" Gwaine asked warily.

"Where have I been?" Merlin actually scoffed, which woke Aithusa. Merlin shuffled out from under the dragon and stood to face the knight. "I was walking back from Ismere. Imagine my surprise when I woke from being nearly killed by Morgana to find everyone gone. Saxons, gone. Morgana, gone. Knights and King of Camelot, gone. I know I'm a servant, and I know that Arthur was injured and the priority would have been to get him to Camelot as soon as possible, but call me naïve for thinking that someone, anyone, would have noticed me missing. I've only been by the man's side for ten years." Merlin paused, still standing between the Knight and the dragon. Aithusa was watching him warily, picking up on his anxiety.


"I'm fine, Aithusa." Merlin turned to look at the dragon, to try to reassure that he was ok, though he knew how anxious he really felt. He turned back to face the Knight. "The dragon, Aithusa, is mine. It's a long story, not that it matters, but I planned to make sure that Aithusa was safe and had a home before I attempted to see if I was still needed in Camelot. What are you doing out here? How did you find me?"

"Merlin, first, I noticed you were missing, but we were already to the city before I did. I'm sorry. I should have noticed sooner. The others should have noticed, but they were all worked up about the King and the boy who helped him escape."

"Mordred." Merlin said the name with no emotion.

"Yes. Anyway, Arthur is still confined to his bed, per Gaius' orders. To say he was upset that no one had seen you, is an understatement. A couple of us volunteered to run a patrol and search for you. I can't say how I found you. I've never seen this place before. Felt drawn here. Can't really explain it. It's nice though." Gwaine said and went closer to the hut and sat down.


"Why do they call you that?" Gwaine asked.

"Da? Oh, uh, well, I, uh, hatched Aithusa." Merlin said softly. "I'm a dragonlord."

"Mm. Makes sense, I suppose. How are you, little one? Looks like your Da fixed you up a lovely home." Gwaine said, looking like he really wanted to pet the dragon. Merlin rolled his eyes and gave Aithusa a look that said, go on. Aithusa's head leaned over toward the Knight, who scratched at the scales on the side of the dragon's neck.

"You're not ... I don't know, mad? Angry?" Merlin asked.

"Merlin, I'm not from Camelot. I grew up in Caerleon. Magic isn't illegal there. I take it your father was a dragonlord?"


"Mm. Well you are lovely, deary. You look much better than you did when I saw you last. Has your Da been healing you?" Gwaine asked.


Aithusa practically shouted with excitement. Gwaine laughed softly, and smiled at Merlin. Merlin grinned back.

"You won't tell Arthur, will you?" Merlin asked quietly.

"Merlin. I came to Camelot because of you all those years ago. I stay because you make me want to be better. I think if we work together we might be able to get the King to broaden his views on magic. Would you like me to help you with that?" Gwaine was looking at him with such sincerity, that Merlin's jaw just hung open. He felt like he momentarily forgot how to speak. Gwaine stood up and closed Merlin's mouth with a finger under his chin. Before the warlock could react, Gwaine leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. Merlin felt like he might pass out. He could swear he heard giggling coming from the lake. Freya. Of course she would find this amusing.

"So, how long do you plan to stay here? I can send word back that you were needed to help a sick family member and won't return for at least a few days. You should probably send a note though too. Don't need the King all riled up."

"I'll need a few days at least. Just long enough to get Aithusa settled. I know Freya will be a good caretaker, but I want to make sure Aithusa knows this is a safe place."


"The Lady of the Lake." Merlin answered, as if that explained everything.

"And why would a mystical Lady of the Lake watch a dragon for you?"

"Because she loved him and he loved her." A voice called from the water. Merlin smiled and looked at her longingly.

"Freya." Merlin breathed her name and she smiled at him. In the blink of an eye she was gone again. Merlin sighed.

"Holding out on me, eh, Merlin?"

"No. Not really. She died. Years ago. I put her to rest here and the Triple Goddess made her the Lady of the Lake."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. I've lost all those that have known about even parts of my gifts. Part of why I've hid it all for so long. Anyway, it's not important. We can talk about it over the next few days, if you plan to stay, that is?" Merlin questioned.

"Alright. Give me a few hours and I'll be back. Then you can tell me about your Lady of the Lake or not. Maybe you can teach me a little magic." Gwaine winked at Merlin and then headed towards a horse that Merlin wasn't sure how he hadn't heard them when they arrived.


"I know love. Breakfast." Merlin sighed and watched the long haired knight disappear. His life was suddenly much more complicated than he'd thought it could get.

Merlin One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now