Chapter 3 - The Challenge

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"Is she talking about that haughty girl in our class?" Bilal asked, his voice low as the guard moved out of earshot. "It's quite odd, isn't it? A schoolgirl with a bodyguard following her everywhere?"

"It's a bit strange," I admitted, turning the business card over in my hands. "But this card_ look at it, it's from Elicit Enterprises. They're the ones with the luxury cars and that new five-star hotel in Colombo. Maybe her father is just worried about her safety."

"Yeah, worried someone might kidnap his precious daughter," Bilal scoffed, examining the card closely. "She does act like she's wearing a crown, doesn't she?" He handed back the card and hopped onto my bike, ready for a spin in the parking lot.

"You know, Bilal," I began as we found a spot to park, "I don't get why you can't stand her. You've never even talked to her, yet you dislike her so much. Is there a reason?"

"I have my reasons," Bilal replied as we walked toward the Academy. "For one, she's arrogant, never mixing with us mere mortals. Two, she's a show-off, pretending to know everything. Three, she spends a fortune to look like a supermodel, fooling all the guys. And four, she's just not... normal."

"But we shouldn't judge so quickly," I stated. "She might be different, but not evil."

"Isn't someone who looks down on others evil?" Bilal questioned.

"I think she's just shy," I countered, recalling the timid look on her face earlier when my bike nearly hit her. "Besides, there's something familiar about her, like a déjà vu, but I can't quite place it."

"I hope you're not falling for her, like some fools in our class," Bilal said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Just because I don't share your view of Reeha doesn't mean I'm smitten," I retorted, annoyed.

"Then prove she's not as rude as I say." Bilal challenged as we entered the crowded Academy. "Talk to her without getting turned down. And remember, I won the race."

"You won because that girl jumped in front of my bike," I protested.

"A win is a win," Bilal smirked. "Now, take the challenge."

"This challenge is childish," I argued.

"I'm not changing my mind," he said smugly.

"Fine," I sighed as we reached the physics classroom. "After class."

"Deal," he nodded.

We walked to our usual spots in the boys' section of the classroom, divided from the girls'. Reeha sat alone in the first row, her head cradled in her hands. 'There's an air about her that's hard to ignore,' I thought to myself. 'Like she's not just another face in the crowd.'

"Umair, did you hear what Yoosuf said?" Shameer's voice boomed from behind. "He thinks I'm the reason Reeha's got a headache."

"She's out of our league," Hathim interjected, setting up his books.

"Not for me," Shameer boasted. "Our families go way back."

"Then tell her about your crush," Aadil egged him on.

"I would if her father wasn't so protective," Shameer admitted.

"You're scared of her dad?" Bilal teased.

"He's a powerful man," Shameer defended. "No one wants to cross Mr. Hussein."

Bilal's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Keep dreaming, and she'll be gone before you know it."

"We'll see," Shameer scowled.

"You're clueless," Bilal laughed as Mr. Vinoth Manoharan entered the room.

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