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I thought she was dead until I heard her hoarse voice call out my name. "C- carlos." She cried, coughing and holding her stomach. I walked up to her and ran my fingers through her hair gently. "He raped me." She cried holding her face in her hands. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." I whispered to her. I knew she'd never forgive me.

"Carlos, that's the problem! You're never fucking 'there' !" She yelled, getting up from the couch and pushing me out of the way. She walked away, limping. If there was anything I wanted most in the world, it was him dead. His head would be my trophy. I decided to give her some space before talking to her. She was already pissed when I left for work.

I walked in my room to see her lying down on top of our bed with a towel wrapped around her body. Her wet hair rested on the sheets as she stared up at the ceiling. "My love, do you want to talk?" I whispered, lying down next to her. "Talk about what, Carlos." She scoffed, making me face her back.

"Stop calling me Carlos." I demanded, I knew she was not in the right mental state to be demanded but I hated that she was doing that. "Isn't that your name?" She murmured. "Mia." I called her name. "Carlos." She replied sharply. I rolled her over quickly and hovered over her.

"I apologize for not being here. If I knew this would have happened I would." I told her, hoping she'd forgive me for not shooting him in the dome as soon as I walked in. "I don't forgive you. Now excuse me, I need to go pick up our children from your mothers house." She said sternly, pushing on my chest.

I wouldn't move. "You're going to make me late." She told me, pushing me harder. "Stop, Mia. I know you're hurting so just talk to me." I said, pressing my forehead against her's. She sighed and cried in my arms. She cried so hard that I could hear her struggle to breathe. "Breathe Mia, I'm here, everything is going to be okay." I reassured her, picking her up and laying on her on my chest to rub her back. 

Flashback over

I should have killed him that day. I sighed and shook my head. "Go to his mansion and gather my men. We're killing him, today." I demanded, pulling out my phone.

My love, I'm going to be home late tonight.


I didn't expect her to text me back. She was most likely pissed that I left instead of stayed but this needed to be done. We pulled up to his mansion and I spotted my men come out of my SUV's. I grabbed a keycard from one of the dead guards and swiped it to open the gate. Men shot at us but missed a lot of their shots. Victor was always a shit trainer.

Victor walked out of his mansion and stood there. I raised my gun and aimed it between his eyes. 'Do it' he mouthed. I shot him and he fell to the floor. My men killed the rest of his men then helped clean up the mess. It took hours to clean. Victor would not willingly walk out to get himself killed.

I was confused as to why he let me kill him. He didn't even fight back. I sighed and dragged his body inside of his mansion. He gets on my fucking nerves. "Boss, It's your wife."  Tyler handed me his phone.

"You fucking dick." She cursed at me

"Mia, I told you I'm working late." I sighed, walking into Victor's house

"I JUST GAVE FUCKING BIRTH!" She screamed through the phone

"Okay, my love, just give me a minute." I said, I have a lot of patience when it comes to her. She's very emotional

"Okay, bye. I love you, you dick." She whispered softly

"Bye, I love you too, mia amore."  I replied, hanging up.

I looked up to see my men staring at me. "cazzo stai guardando." I raised my voice. They immediately got back to work. I scoffed and got into my SUV. The rest of my men stayed behind to clean everything up. "Boss, It's your wife again." Tyler sighed, handing me his phone again.

Why does she have his number anyway. Oh shit I forgot I gave her his number in case I was busy. I remember I had my phone on silent. She was probably even more pissed off. I tried to think of possible reasons she'd be mad at me for. I couldn't think of any.

"Si, mia amore?" I asked with a sigh.

"It's been more than a minute, you bitch." She said.

"I didn't literally mean a minute." I laughed.

"Whatever, where are you." She asked.

"I'm thirty minutes away." I sighed.

"You're joking." She laughed slightly.

"No, I will see you in thirty minutes." I told her.

I heard her sigh then hang up. I new she was going to kill me when I got there. After thirty minutes we arrived at the hospital. I signed in and walked to her room. I sighed before opening the door then walked in. She was sleeping and Yelena was sleeping in her crib.

I made sure I didn't have blood on me and walked into the bathroom. I washed my hands then dried them. I wasn't going to touch Yelena with dirty hands. I picked her up and let her sleep in my arms. I watched as her chest moved up and down slowly.

I sat on Mia's bed and tucked her hair behind her ear. "My two beautiful girls." I whispered. The room was a bit dark but the city lights helped me see. Yelena opened her eyes and sucked on her pacifier. Her cubby cheeks were so nice to touch. She was so beautiful lying there in my arms.

She blinked and looked around then stared up at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. "She's so beautiful." Mia whispered, sitting up and putting her head on my shoulder. "She's going to be a daddy's girl, for sure." Mia laughed quietly. I watched her big brown eyes wander around the room.

"She's probably going to have your humor and sensitivity." I scoffed. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "I'm so drained." She admitted with a sigh. "You can sleep on me." I told her. "Okay, go put Yelena back." She demanded. "Mia, don't get used to demanding me to do things." I said. "I'll do what I want, baby." She giggled.

I scoffed and put Yelena back in her crib, going back to Mia's bed and letting her cuddle with me.

Word count ~ 1811

Word count ~ 1811

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