Chapter twenty-one

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  • Dedicated to Lexie Simon

I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face, I couldn't help it I was going to go home. I was going to see my family again. I was going to see Oliver again. I couldn't wait. But when I woke up, I realized something. I had to leave my brother, alone. He never made friends easily. But he insisted that I go. He made it clear that he wanted me to make that choice. I got dressed and went outside.

"Andy, what are you doing over here?" I asked as I found him with the kids at the kids drawing table. He didn't look up he just shrugged. He looked kind of...sad.

"Nothing, I guess. Just waiting for you." He said. I sat down and started coloring with him. It was quiet for a while. I looked up every once in a while to see what he was up to. He never said a word. I tried to get him to say something but nothing. He didn't say a word.

"Okay, this our last day together, do you seriously want to spend it coloring and not talking? Because I know I want to kick your butt in video games." I said, standing up. I got him to smile and he stood up and raced my to the games. We raced cars for a while and then decided to just go to his room for a while. His room was awesome, it had some dinosaur posters and dinosaur books and even his bed set was dinosaurs with a dinosaur bone frame. It was awesome.

"Okay, here I want you to have this." He said. He handed me a book that looked like it had been read a thousand times, it was of course a dinosaur book. I smiled as I took it.

"Andy. I can't take this. You love it. It's one of your favorites." I said. He smiled as he shook his head.

"One of them. I have plenty. Besides I know how it ends but you don't. Just keep it. Please." He said. I smiled and nodded. It was great. I loved being in his room. Dad would have had a blast with Andy. Really. Going to museums and reading these books. I looked around. He wanted so bad to be able to be a part of a dig, just once. He wanted to dig up a dinosaur and actually home one in his hands. That's all he ever wanted.

"I wish you had been born, Andy. I really do. You and dad would have had so much fun together. With all this dinosaur stuff. He would love this." I said, sitting on his bed. He nodded and looked around. He opened his dresser and pulled out a photo frame.

"What's that?" I asked. He smiled and showed me.

"It's a picture of dad and mom before they were dad and mom. Back when they first were married right before mom got pregnant with Keegan." I smiled when I grabbed it from him. They were both smiling at the camera. They looked so happy. Mom actually seemed more alive then she did now. Before she lost two of her children. Mom and dad knew when they lost Andy they were not able to stay married anylonger. They just saw what they lost. I know mom will find John again, I know it and she will still have Noah and Lynn.

Dad, on the otherhand will not have met Chloe. He met her on a blind date that a friend he had met at a AA meeting set up. Dad started to drink heavily after my death. So I don't believe he will meet Chloe. One can only hope though.

Finally, after hours of hanging out with my baby brother, it was time to go to bed. I said goodnight and walked to my room. As I fell asleep, I remembered something. You have to lose something to gain something. When I died, I lost my entire family and my future but I gained Andy. Now I'm losing Andy but gaining my entire life.

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