Chapter twenty

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God took me lots of places after that. I saw my family, my siblings and most of my friends. I just never realized how many lives were impacted by my death. It was strange. Finally, he decided we had seen enough and we went back to Heaven. I saw Damon waiting patiently in the room and found out Andy was waiting patiently outside. I never looked at Damon. I refused. He took everything from me. I literally hated him. More than I've ever hated anyone. He ruined everything for me.

We all stood there as God sat down. He told Louis to let my brother in. As he walked in I smiled at him. He looked extremely confused. I just took his hand and smiled. We looked at God and knew everything was fine.

"Okay, as I spent the day with Emmalynn I realized what I needed to do. I will granted you with a choice. Before you answer I will require that you spend two days thinking about it. Then after two days, you come back and tell us your answer. Depending on your answer, I will make a punishment for Damon." God explained. I nodded and still didn't look at Damon.

"Alright, what are the choices? " I asked. He smiled.

"Choice one is you stay here and continue to watch over your family. You would become a guardian angel until your eighteenth birthday. And Damon would be forced to move on as an adult and would lose guardian angel status." I nodded. Sounded like a good choice. But it made me wonder what the other choice was.

"Choice two is I reverse time. Take you back to that day in which he took everything from you. I will give you your life back and you can live it the way you were supposed to. If you choice this, Damon will spend the remainder of your life watching you. Never able to talk to you or make contact. Ever. Now you won't remember a time. You won't remember your time here or the people you have met. You will just live your life. Now. Take two days to think this over and meet back here. You too, Andy." I felt my jaw drop. He could do that? I smiled as we were escorted out.

Once we were back in the children's area, we just just stood there. He could give me my life back. I couldn't believe it. Finally I looked at my brother. He didn't look as happy as I was.

"Andy?" He just smiled at me.

"Lynn, this is great. You can go back. You can live the life you were supposed to." He said. I pulled him into my room and stood there.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can stay."

"No, Emmalynn. You have to go. Go live the life you were supposed to live. Don't worry aboutme or anyone else. You shouldn't even have to think about it. You need to go." Andy explained. I smiled and hugged my brother. I nodded.

"You're right. I have to go. Thanks." I said. I smiled knowing I was going to be able to live my life again. I was going get it all back.

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