Javier (Chapter 27)

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"With me, I've been fine but things here have been, strange."

"Strange how?"

"Just, I don't know...people are worried after what happened to the police department. They feel like the police are no match for whoever attacked there. I'm not supposed to say anything but..."

She got quiet.

"What Sarina? You know me, I never say anything to anyone."

"I know. Remember your friend who got involved in drugs and his brother was close to the gang boss. Well, the boss of that gang had info about this huge crime organization. The police got one of the guys who worked directly under the leader but they broke into the police department to take him back."

"How in the world do you know all of this?"

"Uh...I have connections..."


"Well, I've gotten close to some officers, that's all."

"Sarina, it's too dangerous for you to take this lightly. I don't think you should hang around them. Obviously, they are going after the police. You know gangs have been asking them for protection or turning themselves in."

"Yeah, I know that."

"That's exactly why you need to stay away from them. If the police keep taking potential members of this gang away, they won't be happy about that. It puts a huge target on the police station, that's why they didn't hesitate to do that. Also, this makes the police look weak now."

"Javi, I get it. I'm not hanging out with them like you make it seem. First, it was the party and then the fire at work, and now I just keep bumping into him. He was sick recently so I helped him and—"

"Him? Who's him?"

"Are you getting jealous", she asked seriously.

I wasn't paying attention to my tone. I was actually getting upset, I was sounding jealous.

"No, I'm not jealous, I'm just. I don't know him, and if he ever hurt you—"

"He's not Javi, stop acting like my dad. I don't need that!"

We both got quiet.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm down. This isn't like me, I never got upset with her before. Just the thought of another guy coming into her life to take my spot while I'm here is just something that I can't sit with. It's not like we're in a relationship but at the same time, it feels like that. I love her, obviously as a friend just like Grace. This man she speaks of, if I ever see him, I got my eyes on him. Sometimes Sarina is too nice, I don't want anyone taking advantage of her.

"Sorry Sarina. Listen, I have to go now, okay? I'll talk to you later."

She stayed quite a bit longer before replying.

"Okay", she said quietly.

We both hung up.

I let out a long sigh.

"This is so stupid", I said out loud.

"What is?"

I gave my full attention when I saw it was my Staff Sergeant, Sergeant Vincent.

"I'm sorry sir, it's nothing."

He raised his eyebrow.

"It doesn't look like nothing. Girl troubles?"

"Uh, something like that..."

I've never seen him so...nice like this. He's usually shouting at us. I know it's part of his job to be tough on us, I forget he has a normal side too.

Sarina MaxineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu