Tyler (Chapter 25)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know. Maybe."

I closed my eyes and then I felt her feel my forehead.

"You feel hot Tyler! Are you coming down with something?"

"That's a possibility."

I haven't been taking care of myself for the past few months. Maybe this hangover activated whatever I ended up catching.

"I'll see what I can make for you. Don't move from here. Just lay down and rest."

I wanted to protest. She's not obligated to help me but I was too tired and feeling to awful to say anything.

I could see the kitchen from the living room. I watched her search through what I had, I doubt I have the ingredients she needs. Actually, since I'm not around much, I don't know what I have. My eyelids closed occasionally, but the smell she was making from the kitchen kept me awake.

After a few minutes she came over with a bowl.

"Here you go, it's chicken soup...just without actually chicken, but it taste good."

I sat up.

"How is it chicken soup?"

"You had chicken cubes. I also found some canned vegetables so I threw some in there too. Good vitamins to help you get better."

I then remembered Josh's mom stopped by that one time at the police station to give me a bunch of food. She was concerned I wasn't eating properly. She was right. I'm glad since it came in handy now.

"You don't have to do this for me."

"I don't see anyone else here who will."

I paused.

"Good point."

"Now eat up. I'm just going to clean up in the kitchen."

She turned to head back over but something was bothering me.

"Stop", I said.

She turned around.

"What's wrong? Is it the soup? Does something hurt?"

"You've been wearing that dress  since last night. Go change."

"Huh? I don't have anything to change into, remember? This isn't my house."

"I know that. I mean, go pick out something from my closet to wear. Put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt."

"I can't—"

"Unless you really like wearing that."

"While it's pretty...I've been dying to change out of it so...I'll take you up on your offer."

She gathered the dress up around her legs to rush off to my room.

I finished the soup quickly. It's pretty good even though I didn't have much to work with.

I stood up to put the bowl away.

"I'll get that", she said as she rushed over to me.

"You sit."

She pushed me back down. I look up to see she looked comfortable wearing my clothes. I have too many anyway, a lot I haven't even touched.

"You should get some more sleep. You really need to rest. If anyone calls, I'll tell them you aren't feeling good."

"Are you my secretary now?"

"Yep, and I work for free."

I chuckled. She's so weird.

Sarina MaxineWhere stories live. Discover now