Sarina (Chapter 24)

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"Yes", I said.

"Will there be any single officers", Emily asked.

"Did you forget I'm your date?"

"I'm not going to turn down an opportunity", she said.

Emily reached up on her toes to kiss Josh on his cheek before walking ahead. I looked at him to see he looked defeated.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. She'll be back", he said, motivated by his words.

"Hey, look, don't keep your prince waiting."

I looked where he was pointing. Tyler was already looking at me through the crowd, our eyes connected. I was expecting him to look away but he didn't. As he approached me, his eyes stayed on mine. I didn't know what to do, if I should meet him in the middle or something. By the time I decided, he was already standing in front of me. Josh had gone after Emily, leaving us alone amongst all of the other guests.

I was the first to look away. I looked at the floor, too shy to look at him anymore.

He looks really handsome. Darn it!

I hate to admit that to myself. He really cleans up well. He was wearing a slim fit suit, his hair was combed back too. I really don't fit in here. Along with Emily, all of the women here are beautiful. I don't compare.

"What's wrong", he said.

I looked at him.

"Sorry I didn't tell you I couldn't make it. Work called last minute as I was on my way over to pick you up."

"Oh no, I'm not mad about that at all. It's just...I never been to something like this before. I feel a bit nervous like...I don't fit in."

I don't know anyone here besides Josh, Remmy, Miles and now Emily. I know Tyler will go off to mingle with his fellow officers.

"I don't fit in either."

"Of course you do. You know everyone here."

"This isn't my thing, remember? I much rather be antisocial."

I giggled.

"Yeah, sometimes being antisocial is good."

We started walking off together. He showed me around, pointing at all the foods and introducing me to a few of his fellow officers. We did bump into Remmy and Miles. I got to meet her husband and Miles' wife. It looks like everyone has someone special.

It makes me feel like when I was at prom. It seemed like everyone had a date. Javi was my date but not like a real date, we just went as friends. I had a blast of course. Having a boyfriend at the time wasn't my biggest concern but now, things are different.

When Javi gets a chance to call me, I catch myself wanting the phone calls to last longer. I hate when they end. He tells me how much he misses me, I say the same but in a friendly way. I can't bring myself to cross the lines of our contract. With him being so far away now, confessing the feelings I'm not sure I have for him is what I rather do in person. I don't even know where he stands with me as he is free to choose whoever he wants to be with.

I guess tonight, I just want to feel like I belong to someone, even if it's not real. To be honest, I was hoping Tyler would say something about how I looked just like how Josh calls me beautiful but I shouldn't build up my expectations like that. I need to look at the positive. I'm where I thought I would never be and at least I'm out the house.

"Want to get some air?"

I turned to Tyler, not quite paying attention since I was deep in thought.


Sarina MaxineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant