Josh (Chapter 20)

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"Ice cream coma", she said.

"Ice cream. He ate ice cream? How did you do that?"

"I wasn't supposed to? Don't tell me! Is he lactose-intolerant?!"

"No, no...nothing like that. He usually hates sweets."

She cocked her head to the side.

"Really? He looked decently pleased to be eating it. "

"Did you slip something in it?"


I laughed.

"No way Josh!"

"Hey, this is a rare sight."

She pouted.

"Anyway, how was he...I mean when you got here before the ice cream", I asked.

"I don't know. He seemed down and stressed...and angry..."

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Did he shout at you?"

She hesitated to answer.

"It's not his fault, honest. I was supposed to have never come back here because I knew he was going to think I was still involved in all of this when he told me not to be. He was just worried I was putting myself in danger again. So...please don't be mad at him."

That's Tyler, he has a strange way of showing that he cares about someone.

"I'm not mad. He just needs to work on not taking things out on people, you know?"

She nodded.

"Yeah but for now, I'm okay. Really I am."


I sat down on the corner of his desk.

"It's not my place to tell his business, I won't start now by telling what's going on with him. That's up for him to share. It's his story to tell, not mine. I know he always seem to come across cold but trust me...he's a great guy. I tried for years to get him to go back to the way he was. The saying really is true, you can't change a person, they can only change themselves. For now, all I can do is be his right hand man."

"Don't worry. I don't go around digging in people's business", she said.

"Unless it's about crime, like this case."

She looked away.

"W-Well...I was involved in it and I had important information so..."

" were very helpful, that's what."

I looked over from the corner of my eye to see Tyler moving, he was waking up. That gave me a brilliant yet horrible idea I'll regret later.

I quickly took Sarina's hand, lifting her out of the seat so we could trade places.

"Josh...what are you—"

I scooted up close, almost sitting between her knees.

"So, any boys in your life", I asked.

"Huh? U-Uh...n-no..."

"Really? That's a shame. They have no idea what they are missing out on."

", they are not missing anything."

My focus went on her when she said that.

"You really think so", I asked in a serious tone.

She shrugged her shoulders.

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