Internet disaster

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Mercy walked into the club and took the elevator to the second floor other dancers and singers were already there she was surprised they were always kept in the VIP or private room.
They all exchanged greetings the makeup artist was busy bringing out their palettes and powders, if you know makeup that means you know art. You think makeup is about combining colors and drawing brows it all comes with professional learning, skin color, looking at someone for the first time, and knowing what color would best suit her.
It was already 10 pm in the night, the club was already getting filled with people. The country club has the best sellouts in Lagos state, Eko hotels remain the heart of the people however the country club has been making its name in the 90s. Its main features were the live band, live small concerts that make the heart of the people that entertain happily. They run a page on both Twitter and Instagram for the world to see, the owner was a man however his first son Tobe runs it now with so much energetic lifestyle, he has so much energy that's alone people knows him as.

"You're the singer mercy, is nice to finally meet you" one of the girls came forward to shake hands with her, mercy felt so good to see someone congratulate her, not like she hasn't been receiving compliments before but coming from a singer herself worth it.

"Thank you, nice to meet you too" mercy retorted waiting on her stylist to get the light and chair set. She heard from the background another popular singer exclaimed from her phone.

"I love this family Malawa that woman is my inspiration" mercy immediately caught interest in it, as she posted her picture on Instagram and slam her calling for the public to help her tell mercy to leave her son Travis alone. Her heart raced quickly hopefully this woman won't ruin her night, this night might be her night her boss had to promise her if she does better she could be the next country club singer her salary increase with promotion, the country club has an estate for their contract staff and employed staff well-furnished apartment living rent-free. What is more important than that, finally her mother won't be able to find or locate her. She can't misplace this priority it means everything to her. That scandal could ruin her reputation of course once an accusation comes from a well prominent family the public takes it seriously, she can decide to lie to her or dig into her past as a bad girl back then in her second year in LASU at the time she was broke, she alone was the only person sponsoring herself what will they have her do when the lecture was going on and school fees needed to be pay.

"What about it" out of curiosity hoping it wasn't about her, the other girls in the room drift eyes toward her, of course, is no secret she has been hanging around the rich Travis for a while now. So basically any article about him is her business.

"Look" the girl brought her phone closer it was Travis and Bridget dancing together, a mixed clip of both of them holding hands and looking at each other romantically plus the track sound her mom had used to edit the video, it was a popular blog that releases the video. Mercy's heart broke at the instance, she was shattered if not for the room filled up she would have broken down and cried. Just then her stylist told her she was ready to style her, the way the girls looked at her was all written on their faces they were making a mockery of her.

"Travis is a rich boy, whoever thinks he is going to settle for one thing must have gotten him mistaken, check his history in covenants university he slept with half of the girls in that school," the girl said and laughed out loudly, no one laughed with her.

"You watch what you say Amina that alone can put in you trouble" the first girl who had formally greeted mercy said.

"When did saying the truth put someone in trouble, Lina you know this don't act like you haven't slept with him you love him to death, you always think he was always here for you I keep wondering why he sits in the regular where uhm" she paused traveling her eyes in the room she quickly rest her eyes on mercy who was now sitting with her stylist.

"Ohh yes she, sings, Na Mumu Dey carries popular Lagos boys for head," she said sitting properly so her makeup artist can finish up. She did not only talk about the fellow singer she had bad-mouthed Travis, but she had also only seen a man who seems genuine and well last time they had freely spent time together was in a car and not a hotel. Even as the room makes mercy suffocate she couldn't stand Amina or whatsoever her name was she is a run mouth ass girl, she's not supposed to talk about Lina's secret affair in a room full of people. Lina did not say a word anymore Amina had used her vulnerable moment against her that's a red flag to their friendship on the other hand she doesn't feel remorseful at all.

Even though the entire room is quiet with only the music blaring and ring-lights standing in every corner of the room there was a great tension swelled in this room, Mercy's heart Kept aching who is this gurl Travis is with that's not his sister, and even if she had thought that way he couldn't dance like that with Blair. She felt her voice shaking she want to call him or maybe text him and asked him about the video on the blog, she search the blog on the internet it was a big distraction for her yet she did not mind, her makeup artist told her she's shaking if she keeps shaking it will affect her work and the makeup will smudge. "I'm sorry" she mutters quietly with the hope she didn't draw attention.
She wishes the makeup artist could finish so she can finally watch the video and read the ten thousand comments under it, a lot of people were adoring this particular beauty she imagined herself far from it. One reason she always feel her mom was right. It hurts her so much she wishes she could cry if she does she's going spoil her makeup which is going to make the makeup artist charge extra time and that is not going to come from her boss's pocket he's going to cut it from her salary. She did not hate Travis immediately but the idea of how he looked at her like she was special hurts her, men can do anything to get between your legs. You have forgotten the state you are this is Lagos where there is money and with money you can have everything, she had never imagined a Birkin bag from Travis, of course, he can afford as many as possible, she hasn't imagined a flashy phone or car he was very capable of getting it. It was a mutual feeling they shared and she had looked up to it as something that could complete her. On another day in her life, she has been reminded nothing good can be hers, She is not Judging Travis at covenant university she has her past too which makes her afraid if Travis knew he will hate her for good. Of course, he's a man, here in Nigeria men get away with having sex but women don't. In an hour or two she have a song to perform with all these she needed time to get off.

"I think after this I need to use the bathroom," she said to the makeup artist, Amina snicked quickly.

"You don't have to cry over him, he's not worth it anyways I kind of understand why you feel so hurt maybe he squash the coochie for free with his love game" mercy was so angry hearing that comes out of Amina's mouth now she thanks god why her boss allows her to use the regular she can't stand two minutes with this girl if they are to work together.

"Can I see my dress and heels" mercu snapping out of her worst feelings, she has to prove people like Amina, her mother, Malawa wrong to think everything goes down to sex, is useless to prove a point to Amina is her mouth let her say? It doesn't remove a stain on her hair so good luck with her dumb talk. Other people in the room flicker their eyes at Amina that was the highest embarrassment ever that mercy had silenced her and focus on her work, she had to roll with her stylist so she can give her a good review allowing that Travis's video effects her will ruin things, especially her performance so it is best she does her work then later cry if she wants to there are so many days ahead of her to be mad at anyone, not today her special day to prove her talent.

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