The brunch

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Blair dressed in a beautiful black dress that has glitters on it she wore a sandal matching her outfit she quickly sat close to Travis they talk much of the time on WhatsApp this time was precious for them both she knew her brother was sad, that makes her mother happy making sure she ruin his happiness.

"I'm sorry Trav" she abbreviated his name she had always called him that from when she was little although seven years interval. Travis shook her cheek with his index finger smiling genuinely at her.

"Is not your fault, I know you just wanted to be friends with mercy, I promise you tonight you will see her" Blair's face lit up, it wasn't really about Mercy, to be honest, it had been ages they went out together this her three years in the university of Babcock, not one day has she seen his chocolate face.

"You're not going to a sleepover, how are you going to make that possible, mother had made it clear if I do anything silly she would seize my car keys doesn't care whom money was used to purchase it" Travis shook his head, she knows Blair have high respect for their mother although he and David often don't take her words seriously Blair always worship her.

"After the brunch, i and Abel had decided to play video in the game room besides we know this brunch is going to be boring anyway, once mom is busy with her friends here is my key" she stretch the Benz key to her she quickly took it without hesitation, she doesn't care how die-hard Bruce wills mission is technically nothing is worst than having Mrs. Malawa have you wrapped around her fingertips, she is mean.

"Get into the car start it I and Abel will meet you up in the estate I will tell Musa to stay with you in case you're scared someone might come to you" Blair was a naive girl but she's smart, yes she's very young and well brought up but however she has so much respect sometimes she wishes David and Trav would just listen to their mom, they find it fun to spite her. Make her talk and complain hopelessly. After she send David to Canada against his will he loved the United States just to make him so upset she did a Canada visa for him afterward David met the love of his life there, and her mother thought she will hook him with the governor's daughter Zainab it all went in vain. Now her entire hope is for Travis and Blair to secure a prominent marriage for them, that's why she has a sudden interest in Travis else her favorite child is David and will always be David it makes Travis jealous most of the time because he wishes her mother sees how much he loves her.

"I am afraid Travis, I only have fun in school and even at school she paid bodyguards to follow me everywhere I go if my movement was out of misplacing they report to her then she will come over and take everything I love, mother doesn't care how much we feel somethings she does is so much out of line I get so tired sometimes I wish I was in Canada like David, she told father not to prepare me any visa until I am married after school before I further my master, is mother going to live my life I am tired" Travis felt the pain in her sister's voice, their father was prey to their mother he does everything she says because he adores her, even if he acts in her presence that he accept what she said he secretly goes to his children and make them happy afterward, doing what they want him to do. It doesn't seem right to Travis watching his father that way so he always disobeys his mother to the fullest daring her to do her worst, it makes him turn into something no one knew, she began attaching to bad boys in school so the news would reach his parent. His mother seize all the cars and froze his account to make him suffer yet Travis always find a way to secure the bag making him the richest in the household. Her mother had to leave him alone to face life, he depended on himself his father is nowhere compared to him in wealth at his age he has the biggest house in the lekki peninsula, an estate in the Ajah area. Planning on buying the next building that's had been listed on a banana island, a family house.

"Okay" Blair accepted, the first time in her life she was about to do something that makes her happy, Travis told her their mom had set the table with their name, she was to sit with Kilson. Blair strain her eyes to see she looked confused.

"Why do I have to sit with a super eagle player, last time he was chatting with me on WhatsApp, I want to sit here," she said out loud, she coils into the skin when their mom interrupted,

"Blair I know you missed your brother so much you two have the entire night to stay up besides there is no school to wake up early to, now go sit" Blair quietly arose from her chair to get where her name is fixed, she heard her mom scolding Abel he was already eating.

"All you do is eat, your mother has complained highly of you yet you see no reason to change, birds of the same feathers flock together" she was referring to Travis and Abel they were inseparable after David had left and now she had done them a good favor with a perfect reunion. Travis looked at her sternly she's doesn't get enough it was useless talking to her she will always have an answer regarding anything. She sat down quietly taking Travis's hand.

"You do not let me have you in my arms properly, I do not add in the email you have to come with a plus one- Travis cut in sharply she knows is his habit to always interrupt her, she let him talk.

"Because you already have a plus one for me what makes you think I would have anything to do with her" Travis question her even if it seems like a direct speech of I will not agree.

"A lot Travis is like six years or seven she had changed quite no way I can compare her with the cheap thing you came earlier with" Travis stormed his hand on the table it shook the stuffs on the table plus drawing others attention, it brings the attention of Abel and Blair furiously looking at Mrs. Malawa, she refrain with a smile.

"Don't speak about her like that, I had agreed to stay for the brunch don't make me leave right away" Travis knew he couldn't just leave he had made a plan with Blair to go have some fun later in the day.

"All I will say is be nice to her, she's a good girl, I don't know why you had refused to open your eyes, save me the trouble and have a conversation with her- Travis chuckled but it was corny.

"Sound like a favor you don't disrespect my guest and expect me to respect your guess, looks like you can't handle what you dish out" MRS Malawi had always expected the worst from Travis she wasn't surprised to hear him speak like that of what use is she to him he has everything spend three years of life isolating the family. Yeah, it was a favor maybe he can fall in love when he sees her.

"What do you want me do to have you speak nicely to Bridget, this woman had loved you all her life, after what you did to her at  prom I was afraid she will never speak to you again God was so kind her family remains a good friend of mine, I hope for your redemption I know that girl is not important you want to spite me so much you have to bring her" this time his mother was wrong he did not bring mercy to spite her mom or make her look at him as a loser, he is in love with mercy, he loved her although he once has the intention to bed her however he had walked Afar with her, she's a beautiful soul both in and out, a confidence girl that knows her worth, no girl had rejected him in his life because he's wealthy and humble, the way she sings is so passionately she could move a heart with her voice. Somewhere somehow she is broken and Travis had sworn to amend her bleeding.
She's a star and he would help her reach her goal in life even her mother here won't stop him nothing in the world can stop his love for mercy, he had never been this attached to a lady he believes money will make you have the woman you desired but love will make you have a good protective woman.

"Two things I will offer you and if you refuse them she will detest me even more after this brunch" Travis had never seen her mom look so defeated in his entire life, he hates himself for this but if it had to take down this road to make her mom realize that not only she had the upper hand he will.

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