Atom of goodness

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Mrs. Malawa look so anxious as she listen to her son, why does he sound like he's doing her a favor this is for his own sake for Christ's sake, she would've gone this road with Travis if it was not at this time that people had begun to arrive, he knows she loves argument and drama one of the reasons her children avoids her not because they were so fearful.

"Go on Travis, I will do anything for you son" Travis giggle she had never referred to him as son for as long as she can remember well look like her mother had lost her David in the hands of a white girl not only does she hates the white girl she had trapped his son in a strange land she had to send him to so she had no one to blame than to deal with the fact.

"Let Blair live her life, if she tells me those bodyguards still have her followed then I won't take your word in the future serious I won't even consider Bridget, secondly you will never disrespect mercy, coincidentally I mean nothing will bring her here I bet she spite this house now" her mom looked over to Blair she quickly concentrates on her phone to avoid her wicked gaze, she looked so angry and it makes Blair happy sometimes only when she had crossed the line, and Travis happened to gets into her skin the most he doesn't care about anything.

"I agree, I'm watching you Travis you better keep the best act else I will triple the bodyguards to have Blair follow and that little shit girlfriend of yours I will make her life a living hell" she stood up and walk to her seat, just after a few minutes people were all seated. Blair most have fallen headily in love with Kilson he looks so much handsome he sat close to Blair after exchanging a handshake with Travis, sooner he's going to be his brother-in-law looking at Blair she will make a good wife not only that she's so beautiful and her skin so Pale, he will be so proud of her. He had always wanted Blair from the very first day her mom came with her to his homecoming event in transcolm hotel Abuja. She looks so beautiful and at that point told his mom he will marry Blair.

"How are you" Kilson muttered to her as quietly he could speak, Blair smiled at him. She judge Kilson about the rumor she heard that he assaulted his British girlfriend but it later came out the gurl was clout chasing. Blair had me send imagine getting attached to someone as popular as Kilson in her life. She was popular too but only known as an Instagram model and fashion influencer. Kilson's career was almost over until he asked for a lying machine detector to be used on him, the girl refused to run the test so she was Charged with a lawsuit of defamation the rest of the story went down, now sitting beside him makes Blair skin burned with desire, at the time of his homecoming the rumor was all over the Internet whereas the girl was coming out to talk every time if it wasn't her Instagram live it was a three minutes video, Kilson never came out to proclaim so fans believed he did it. Kilson said he was done with the relationship that makes her go nut and decided to ruin him with fake bruises and lies. She felt to apologize to him at the minute but declined, she has the right to feel so anyways she likes Kilson, and if he's a genuine person why not. She is a virgin reason her mother is overprotective of her.

Bridget came in and sat beside Travis he quickly smile at her with the hope of satisfying his mother.

"I want to tell you I was a dick to have treated you on your prom, pls accept my apologies" Bridget looks so surprised she was expecting nothing but silence from him here he is apologizing.

"I already forgave you a long time ago, I saw your post on Instagram I even followed you but I know you had not noticed, Travis I know you don't have feelings for me I believe is normal Like that when it comes to guys I assure you with time you will understand me, you would like me too" Travis had come across ladies in her life but the Bridget type hell no, she kind of believes something is going to happen between them, just like when you apply in school for a particular course and you couldn't meet up the scores so you have to buy the school supplementary form hoping one day you will end up loving the course.

"Bridget, I don't hate you what I mean is I'm a man with zero emotions I don't want to falter your hope in me I think you should put that hole in yourself" Travis suspects he's been hard on Bridget just a simple act and Blair is living normal again from the look of things she doesn't look like someone who was complaining about Kilson she looks so comfortable and happy, things about ladies they hardly confess their feelings nor Bridget though she's another kind of female species.

"Forget about what I just said" she saw Bridget's face warning up again like the first time she had walked in,

"Let's makeup to the night we couldn't meet to know each other, I'm no fool to attend this brunch" he raise his glass, Bridget quickly took a glass from the table it was empty though but she still cheers with it, weird right, she mutters to him snickering.

"Is fine" looks like Mrs. Malawa was just waiting for them to be finished when Travis's father walked to his seat, he was opposite his wife at the other end of the table, Travis smiled at him he wasn't around he had rushed out in the early hours to attend to some newly containers that got shipped in last night, he doesn't play with his business he always ensure his business was stable and his family happy. Her mom took one of the glasses and a fork, she hit the fork carefully to the glass having everyone's attention, her mother looks so much beautiful and Blair had taken her features.

"First of all, I want to say thank you for everyone honoring my invitation Especially my second son Travis I was afraid he wouldn't show up" Travis dropped his jaw she never seizes to get his name out of her mouth,

"David isn't here because he had shared the very good news with us I'm going to be a grandmother" the news took everyone surprisedly, especially Blair she's going to be a big Aunty, she clapped before anyone could. Her mother had to pause allowing them to clap and congratulate David and his fiancé.

"It gives me the joy to see my family happy and healthy, Travis had made me and his father proud, I have to say, and give him credit" Travis felt good first time in his life his mom is showing appreciation towards him, it wasn't an act to make Bridget feel good it was genuine as she said. It hurts him mercy is not here to listen.

"Is in my heart to see every one of you here, I wanna say I am so happy, brunch is for family and you all are my family and I love you all". She said and sat back on her chair, Travis and she exchange looks, he wanted to walk toward her and hugged her but he remain stiff. Is fine to be okay.

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