Chapter 15: Sharing My Birthday

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     I woke up at 10:30 with Liam at my side. It's been about a month since the baby shower and it's only a month til Gracelin's due date!! I get out of bed slowly so I don't disturb Liam. I walk down stairs, but no one is there. Liam comes rushing down the stairs with his eyes half open.

    "Liam! Wake up!" I yell grabbing his shoulders.

    "I'm up but I'm late for a meeting, I love you, bye." Liam kisses me then jogs out the door.

    "Weird." I say out loud. I decide to go to Ryanna's room to hang. We haven't been spend much time together. Her and Niall are getting pretty serous and Liam and I have been doing things before the baby comes. I knock on her door lightly, no response. I open the door and find just Niall in the bed. I walk over and pet his hair. It's realy soft. Now I know why Ry is always playing with it!

      Niall slowly opens his eyes and looks at me, "Oh, hi Abby." he says in a sleepy daze.

     "Hey Niallier. Where's Ryanna?"

     "She left to go some where with the girls. She left you a note on the fridge."

     "Thanks Niallier." I say and kiss him on the forehead lightly. He kisses my hand and I walk back to the kitchen. I see the note on the fridge and read it out loud for no reason.

     To pregnant Shmabby<3

          We went out for some more baby stuff for Gracelin. Sorry you have to spend the day with the boys! Be back soon!

            Love Ryanna

      Aren't they nice! I walk up to Harry's room, still asleep. I walk into Zayn's room, still asleep. I walk into Louis's room, not there. Weird. I walk around his bed and see a note there on his night stand.

       To Jennah

             I'm going to get the dinner ready for Abby. Her presents should be ready to be picked up! Be back later!

        Love, Boo Bear

        So they didn't forget my birthday! I walk back down to the kitchen and get some yogurt and play Xbox Live Black Opps 2. In the middle of the game, my stomach starts hurting. Not like a stomach ache, back like you're about to throw up! I sit there and try to stay calm and still when Niall and Harry come running down the stairs. Harry makes pancakes and we all play the Xbox together. I drop the controller and grab my stomach! My belly really hurts!

          "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" I scream in pain! I look down and see I'm in a puddle of water. I fling my head up to Niall and Harry and start yelling.

         "The baby's coming!! Right now!!" Niall jumps off the couch and comes over to me to calm me down. Harry calls the ambulance and Niall calls the girls.


        "Abby's having the baby!!"-Niall

       "Holy crap!! We'll be at the hospital in a minute!!"-Ry

      "And call Liam and Louis!"-Niall. The paramedics quickly bust inside and carry me of to the hospital.

       Liam's POV

       I'm at Jared getting a braclet for Abby, when Ryanna called screaming.

      "Liam!! Abby is having Gracelin right now!! Be at the hospital!"-Ry

      "Oh my gosh!! Ok, be right there!" I payed the the man the $250 for the bracelet and ran out of the store. I rushed into my car and drove the ten minutes to the hospital speeding. I'm not missing the birth of my baby girl! I park the car and run in the door.

     "Abby Ruggles?!" I ask the woman at the counter out of breath.

    "Room 213 on the left, sir." I nodded a thank you and ran for the elevator. I pushed the button about twenty times, then finally the door swung open. I clicked the second floor button and prayed I wouldn't miss it! The doors open and I ran down the hall.... 209, 211, 213!!! I flung the door open and saw Abby sitting on the bed pushing. I ran over to her and  grabbed her hand. She was sweating and breathing heavy.

     "You can do it, love!!" I said and started to breath with Abby. I heard a cry and looked down. A beautiful baby girl was born! I cut the cord and kissed Abby.

      "I love you! Good job!" I whispered in her ear. She looked up and smiled at me. I looked around the room and saw everyone standing there. Most of the girls were crying and Zayn was taking pictures. When the nurse came over, she gave Gracelin to me. Gracelin has My brown hair, nose, and has Abby's eyes and face structure. She's amazing. I kissed her head and gave her to Abby. The others rushed over and took turns holding her.

      The nurse walked back over and asked us for a name.

      "Well, of course Gracelin. How about Gracelin Karen Payne?" Abby asked. I nodded yes because Karen is my mum's name. I looked back at Abby and saw she was worried. I followed her gaze and saw she was staring at the doctor putting Gracelin in a plastic box.

      "What is that?" I asked and the nurse turned around.

     "Oh, well since the baby was born early, she will have to stay over night for a few days."

     Abby started crying and I got down on the bed with her to comfort her. She layed her head down on my chest and went to sleep with tears still rolling down her checks. I petted her head and kissed her one more time. When visiting hours where over, I said good-bye to everyone, but stayed in the bed with Abby still asleep on my chest.

     "Everything will be just fine, love. I love you!" I said and kissed Abby on the temple and slowly dozed off to sleep. 

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