Chapter 8: Dates for a Concert

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     (Ryannas POV)

      I walked out of Abby's room feeling very confident! The worst thing he could do is say no. I thought to myself. I walked down stairs into the family room and sat on the couch by Niall. Harry looked at my while wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and said, "In your dreams Hazza Bear!" Everyone laughed and Harry blushed a little.

     I Bent over to whisper in Niall's ear. "I need to talk to you in my room a.s.a.p!"

    I grabbed his hand a pulled him to my room. I sat him on my bed and closed the door.

   "What's wrong Ry?" Niall said in his cute Irish accent! I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I stood there looking into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. I took a few steps closer to him.... and.... and My lips were all over his!! I sat on his lap and our lips moved together like I've known him for years! I had both my hands under his chin and he had his hands on my hips holding me up. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world! Other than Abby, I mean she does have Liam, so I guess she's pretty lucky too! And Jennah has Louis!!

   We were gasping for air for the third time, when Niall finally asked, "Will be my girlfriend, Ryanna?"

   We layed down on my bed next to each other, I rolled over and put my hand on his cheek, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, silly!!" We laughed and I snuggled up to his chest and he just layed there, holding me. "Ryanna?" Niall asked looking down at me. The top of my head was touching Niall's chin, so I had to look up to look him in the eyes. "Yes love?" I said in his Irish accent. He smiled and continued to say, "Will you be my date to our concert tomorrow?" Oh my word!! I totally forgot the concert was tomorrow! I'm glad I made-out with him today then!

    "Of course silly. I love you!" I said putting my head back on Niall's chest. He kissed my head and we both dozed off to sleep in each others arms!

 THE NEXT DAY xxx.......

     Abby's POV

    I woke about 9:28, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into a cute pink One Direction shirt, black skinny jeans and put on some light make-up. I'll fix it later before the concert. I blow-dry my hair and just brush it done. I walk out of the bathroom to find a note on my bedroom door.

   To Abby<3

      I had to leave early to get ready and practice for the concert. If you find Niall, tell him to meet us at the studio.

       Love, Liam<3

     His notes are so cute! I open my door and see Jennah's is open and she must have made breakfast. Ryanna's door is still closed so I decided to get her up. I knock lightly, no answer. I open the door finding her and Niall cuddled into a ball in each others arms! Their so cute!

      I kiss both of them on the forehead, but they don't get up. I have the perfect idea for getting Ry up though. I bend over her head and lick her cheek. Her eyes open almost imminently! I fall on the floor laughing at the look on her face! It's 100% priceless!

    "What was that?!" She says while whipping the spit off her face.

    "Payback for when you licked my face at the airport!" I said in between laughs. I finally calm down and stand up.

     "So the whole Ryanna sweetness thing worked, I see." I said pointing to Niall who was still asleep.

      "And when you get him up, tell him to meet the boys at the studio."

     "Yes ma'am! Oh and thanks for the advice! I owe you one." Ryanna said petting Niall's hair. He is pretty cute when he sleeps. I walked out of her room letting her wake up Niall herself. I walked down to the kitchen and found Jennah making eggs.

     "Ooh!! Eggs! Yummy!" I said rubbing my stomach. Jennah giggled and handed me a plate with a fork. Niall runs out the door with no breakfast. Jennah sighs.

     "I made six eggs for Niall and he isn;t even going to eat it." Jennah said turning around and showing the pan full of eggs. Ryanna comes down the stairs and gets a bowl of eggs too and sits beside me. We both finished at the same time and we all decided we would spend the rest of the day picking out what we were going to wear for the concert.


     All I hear is screaming and yelling from all directions!! (One Direction lolxx) Ryanna, Jennah and I all have front row tickets to the One Direction concert we're at waiting for it to start. The lights start to dim and Ryanna pulls her phone out to record this. All the boys run out from behind the stage and the screaming gets worse!!!! My ears start ringing.

    The boys sing songs from the TMH cd and through all the songs, Liam and I keep making eye contact. After the last song, before the boys read off their favorite twitts, I see Liam talking to the boys and he is point in the direction of Ry, Jennah, and me. 

     "Ok, so we have a few people the boys and I want you guys to meet!" Liam said with a smile on his face. A few moments later, Paul comes over to us, "Girls, I have orders to take you on stage."

      Ryanna has purr terror all over her face. She doesn't like big groups of people. Jennah was like, "Yeah!! Lets do this thing!!" I was a little nervous myself. But Paul still leads us on stage. Jennah goes first and meet Louis with a kiss on the lips. Some of the crowd ohs and awws, but a lot of them boo. Next is Ryanna, Niall meets her half way up the stage steps and gives her a piggy-back ride around the stage. I was the last one to go up the steps. Before I do, Paul hands me a microphone and kisses my hand. "Good-luck sweetheart." I smile and nod.

    I turn around and see Liam waiting on me at the top of the stage steps with his hand extended for me. I take it and we kiss, I hear ohs and awws, and I hear boos. Mostly boos, but I keep my head helled high. Liam sits on the couch in the middle of the stage and motions me to sit on his lap, and I do. The boys start introducing us, but I'm more focused on the two girls yelling my name. They might be fans, but they keep calling Shmabby and that's my nickname only my friends know. I get up from Liam's lap and walk over to the girls.

     They're not just any girls though. It's Lea and Lexi at the concert!! Their in the front row, so I bend down and try to talk to them. But I can't hear a thing, so I have the body graud lift Lea and Lexi onto stage. Once Ryanna and Jennah see who's on stage they run right over! We all say hi and hug but Lea and Lexi are taken backstage while me, Jennah, Ryanna, and the boys talk about our favorite twitts. Me and the girls get to stay on the stage the whole concert! It was the best time of my life!!

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