Chapter 13: The Boys Come Home

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       I wake up at 10:34 on a Wednesday. Also known as the day the boys come home! I jump in the shower and change into a pink sweat shirt and black yoga pants. I don't blow-dry my hair, I just pull it up in a sloppy bun. I run, (well I walk fast) down stairs and see everyone up. Even Adyson and Libby are here. I walk to the fridge and grab a yogurt and notice Jennah, Ry, Lea, Lexi, and Libby are watching Enews.

        "This just in, One Direction was spotted at the airport in London!"

         "Ya!! They're on their way home!!" Ryanna jumps up and yells. Beep, Beep. I got a text.

         From: Daddy 1D

        Hey, love! Driving home now!

       To: Daddy 1D

       I can't wait for you to see me!! I love you!!  <3

      I look up from my phone and see Adyson standing in front of me.

      "Can I help you?" I say getting a fork to eat my yogurt. (I don't use spoons because of Liam!)

      "I think we should plan your baby shower when the boys get here!" She says taking a finger full of my yogurt.

       "Where should we have it?" Lea says budding into our conversation.

      "How about Nando's?" Jennah say.

      "Ok. When then?" I say.

      "In two days." Adyson says. "Me and Libby will plan it! You'll love it!" I roll my eyes and look back at my phone to see if I got a text from Liam. Nothing. I sit on the couch beside Ryanna and she sets her hand on my belly. We both laugh and I can't keep from smiling even when we do stop laughing. When Liam comes home, that's going to be his hand! 

        Theres a knock on the door and we all sit up and look at the door. 

        "H-hello?" Jennah asks with a smile on her face. Lexi gets up and opens the door.

       "Paul!" Ryanna yells. "Wait... it's JUST Paul, never mind. Wait...... Where are the boys?!"

       "Parking the car." Paul says. 

        Liam's POV

       It's been forever since we've seen the girls. Since I've seen Abby! We're finally here, but Niall wants to test his driving skills and is taking forever to park the car.

         "Hurry up!" I yell. "I've got a girlfriend to see!"

         "Liam, we all have girlfriends." Harry says.

         "Yeah, but mine's holding a baby!" I say. Niall finally parks the car and the boys and I see the girls run out from inside the house. First is Ryann, Jennah, some blond chick, Lea, Lexi, a brunet, and finally Abby! Abby, she's gotten so big! And she's still so beautiful! I love her!

          Abby's POV

        I slowly run behind the girls and see the car waiting there. Zayn comes out first and runs straight to Lea and picks her up and spins her around and then they kiss. Next Niall, but he just embraces Ry and kisses her. Harry runs out and grabs Lexi and puts his hands in the back pockets of her jeans and they start kissing. Louis runs out with a carrot in his hand and gets down on one knee in fort of Jennah and gives her the carrot and they kiss too. 

           Liam finally comes out of the car and it brings tears to my eyes. I haven't seen him in so long! He walks over to me and puts his hands on my belly. He just stares at at my belly.

          "She's nice and healthy, you know." I say placing my hands on Liam's shoulders. He looks at me with wide eyes.

           "It's a baby girl?!" He says with joy in his voice.

          "Yup. I found out at me last appointment. I'm thinking about Gracelin."

         Liam puts his hand on my check. "I love it." He says slowly and pulls me into a kiss. After ten seconds, we're gasping for air! I haven't kissed him in a long time! I don't want to let go! He finally lets go and hugs me. He picks me up bridal style and carries me back inside. Liam sits me on the couch and lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. He's must be so tired. 

          Lea introduces Adyson and Libby to the boys. Adyson starts bringing up baby shower ideas up, but I honestly couldn't care less! I'm just glad the love of my life is back and gets to spend time with me while I'm still pregnant. I doze off and cuddle up with Liam. It's just so perfect!

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