michelle's scandal, harry styles

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I opened my eyes to see no one there. A used condom laid on my bed. It was 8 am and I had to get ready for the day. I got my clothes together and began to work. I started by cleaning the bathroom, then the kitchen, then the master bedroom. In the master I saw something. There was a condom on the floor....used. It was extra small. Daddy obama was with me all night and he was an extra large?!?!!??!!? Whose condom was this and who was it used on?

Michelle: hello y/n

y/n: hello mam.

Michelle: What are you looking at?

y/n: just cleaning.

Michel: I hear the tone in your voice. Cant a grown married women have sex with her husband with out being juged.

y/n: oh sorry mam i wasn't judging.

I knew that she did not have sex with her husband last night becasuse he had sex with me. His girthy cock was in me not that b*tch. Ohhh shes a real P*SSY POPING F*CK HOLE!

Michelle: Anyway, I'll let you clean.

y/n: ok thank you.

I cleaned and cleaned, wiping up some man's cum that Michelle had slept with. What was I going to do? Should I tell daddy obama???? Should I not????????? I finished cleaning the bedroom. Then I moved on to the closet, the master closet, Michelles master closet.....

I opened the door and noticed a dress swaying. I closed the door and slowly approached the dress. Then I smacked the dress out of the way, revealing harry styles. He was sitting curled up behind Michelle's dress...... NAKED !!?!?!?!?!?!??! he looked up at me and started to cry. No, not cry SOB! He begged me not to tell. Daddy Obama.

Harry: PLEASE DON'T TELL THE PRESIDENT!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

y/n: what's in it for me??

Harry: I DoNt KnOw WhAt EvEr YoU wAnT?!???😭😭😭😭


y/n: what about my own personal concert?

Harry: uUuUuUhhhhHHhHhHhh.... yEaH i GuEsS WhAtEVer As LoNg As YoU NevER TeLl AnYoNe I wAs hErE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

This was perfect. I got a Harry Styles concert and daddy Obama will end it with Michelle. But how can I get daddy Obama to find out? I promised Harry Styles I wouldn't tell anyone..... I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL LEAVE HARRY'S EXTRA SMALL CONDOM ON THE FLOOR THEN DADDY OBAMA WILL KNOW THAT SHE WAS CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry: y/n what do you want me to sing for you??

y/n: WATERMELON SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!

Harry: Of course. I will sneak into your room tonight at 12:03 and 47 seconds.

12:00 I don't see Harry anywhere.

12:01 i swear for f*ucks sake if he is not here soon i'll tell the whole world!

12:02 he's still not here😢I'm Crying!

12:03 WTF HE SAID 12:03

47 seconds later I heard a bang at my window. Then another. Then a third. I opened my curtain to see Harry stand outside throwing rocks at my window. I opened the window.

Harry: y/n throw me a rope.

y/n: here.

I threw a rope out that was tied to my bed then he began to sing and to climb, and sing, and climb, and climb, and sing.

Harry:🎶Tastes like strawberries On a summer evenin' And it sounds just like a song I want more berries And that summer feelin' It's so wonderful and warm Breathe me in, breathe me out I don't know if I could ever go without I'm just thinking out loud I don't know if I could ever go without Watermelon sugar high Watermelon sugar high Watermelon sugar high🎶


Harry: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😮😮😮😮😮😮

Harry Styles plummeted to his death 💀👻💀👻 that day, from my window 8 stories high. He fell. His last words were to me, y/n just y/n the maid. Just the maid, not the prinses, not the queen, not the president's wife, just the maid. I cried a lot! But I had to continue with my life. I went outside and dragged his body to the fountain and put him under the water. I was still crying. Then I noticed a bubble come up from his body. Then again another buble. Then a third. So I pushed him deeper to make the bubbles less noticeable. Then he shook. ALOT. he grabbed my arms while I held him deeper and deeper underwater. He gasped for air then went limp. I'm starting to think the fall may have not been what killed him........... BUT OH WELL 🤪 🤪🤪!!!!!! There's no point in dwelling on the past.

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