daddy alert

796 9 13

Obama: Ahhhccch!


y/n: i'm so sorry daddy Obama!

y/n blushed as she shoved her head into her badonkadonks in embarrassment. what has she done?

Obama: its ok just get off of me

I almost forgot from all the commotion the way I had landed on him, FLAT! Flat on him, boobs in his face. I rolled off of him to realize what my foot was on..

y/n: Umm??? Daddy Obama, what is that...???

I knew what it was but I was in disbelief so I had to ask...

Obama: your dessert.

He said those words with a smirk that made me feel like I was getting myself into something. Something cray cray, but i can handle cray cray because i'm not like other girls.

y/n: d-d-d–ddess-s-s-sert?!?!?

Obama: I've heard from Bill & Gorge that you love midnight dessert.

He said those words confidently.

Obama: or am I mistaken...

Did I embarrass the president of the United states?!?!?!? NOT ONLY THAT BUT THE HOTTEST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES EVER!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

y/n: NO!.... I love dessert!............. I really think I'll love your dessert.

Obama: good ;)

I quickly cleaned up the broken plates, finished setting the table, and brought out the food. The family ate dinner at the table and I ate in the kitchen as usual. I helped put the girls to bed and got Michelle green tea so she could read in bed. I spent a few more hours cleaning. There was no sign of Obama though, I assumed he went to sleep. So I went to bed in my room that was located under the stairs. Keep in mind the white house has very large stairs so my room is quite large. But at about midnight I was awakened by a knock on my door. Who was it ???

?????: y/n are you awake?

y/n: i am now

I'm not like other girls. I don't like my slumber disterbed. I'm grumpy when woken up.

Obama: That's no way to talk to your president.


y/n: im so sorry daddy obama i shouldn't have said that to you.

Obama: I want you to understand something.

I nodded

Obama: I am not your dad. I am your daddy. You know what I mean.

I nodded again.

Obama: Glad you understand.

He came closer approaching my bed that I was still laying on. He sat next to me with his legs off the side of the bed. He took off his shoes and placed them next to my fuzzy blue slippers. They're blue and not pink because I'm not like other girls. He then placed his hands on each side of my head holding himself up over me in a similar way to how someone would do a push up. But i wouldn't know i don't go to the gym because i'm not like other girls. Then he put one hand behind my head lifting my face close to his. His warm breath stunk of garlic because Cristeta Pasia Comerford always adds to much garlic. Ive hated her since 2005 when she started cooking here.

y/n: your breath stinks.

Obama: shut up

y/n: yes daddy obama

I told him his breath stinks because I'm straight forward. Un-like other girls. Then he kissed me, not like a 6th grade relationship. It wasn't a peck like he had given his wife just a few hours before. It was a make out. Our tongues wiggled in all directions and began to dance. Not the tango but the cotton eye joe. Our tongues went forward forward back back forward back left left left paused then twirled. This was exactly like the steps in the cotton eye joe. I LOVE THE COTTON EYE JOE because i'm not like other girls. Daddy obama broke the mingle of our lips but why?!?!?!?

Obama: you like that boo boo

y/n: yes very much!

Obama: good

Then he ripped off his shirt, tearing it in half. The most beautiful mussels were revealed. Then everything paused, the author of this chapter quickly realized they have only read gay smut and had no clue how to wright the rest of this chapter. 


a/n - author number 1 wrote this bc they're so not like other girls😝🤪😝🤪😝🤪😝🤪😝🤪

author number 2 is an idiot but that's okay bc their quirky

hope you enjoyed the steamy weamy creamy content with daddy obama here 🥵🥵🥵🥵

soz for slow upload bbg🥺🥺🥺🥺

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