Chapter 2

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When Sheryl came back, what greeted her was utter chaos. Food was flying everywhere. Cake, pies, tarts, chocolate, sandwiches; you name it, she can see it. They got it splattered all over the place. No spot was clean except the cinema screen and ceiling.

Her face started turning pale, wondering how on Earth is she going to clean this mess. Because of this, she didn't notice the banana peel right next to her until it was too late. She slipped on the peel and bumped her head.

'What the HECK!!'

This was her last thought as she succumbs to darkness.

She fainted...


A few minutes later, Sheryl woke up. Just like before, nobody seems to notice her presence.

'Thank goodness that no one saw me. This is way too embarrassing.'

She thought as she blushed in embarrassment.

'Anyway after seeing the amount of mess they created, I forgot that I could just use magic to clean everything.'

Sheryl observed them and concluded that everyone joined the food fight. Surprisingly, even Alberu joined in the fun. She can see people throwing random foods while laughing or screaming hysterically. Overall, they look like they have gone mad...

'I... I really don't know what to say anymore. Can this still be considered as violence? But everyone seems to be having fun and no one is hurt anyway. Should I have brought a therapist here too?'

Sheryl was utterly dumbfounded.


Toonka who has been drenched in tea and covered in mashed potatoes seems to be the one who is enjoying this situation the most as he threw a pie at a poor mage.

'Things can't go on like this.'

Sheryl thought as she made her presence known.


Everyone froze.

They all look towards Sheryl who had an annoyed look on her face.

"What the heck is going on here?! Tsk tsk. I just left you guys for a couple of minutes, and you already manage to turn this place upside down!"

Sheryl looked at them with disappointment written in all over her face.

*Clap* *Clap*

The cinema instantly became spotless even their clothes turned sparkly clean as if the food fight hadn't occurred in the first place.

"Anyway, breaktime is over. So let us continue with the reaction. I'm just going to skip some unimportant scenes."

They all scrambled back to their seats as they resume the reaction.

<The projection screen started showing the scene.>

[Cale started to rub his arm after seeing the goosebumps that were developing. He quickly took a sip of the tea that Billos had brought for him. He then looked out the window once again, only to get the chills right back.]

"Billos. Hmm. That sounds familiar."

Violan's eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated. She is sure that she had heard of that name before, but the question is where?

TBOAH reacts to a Self-Sacrificial CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now