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Matias' POV:

I'm not sure what overcame me, to be quite honest. One minute, I was worried about getting Everest home, and now I'm waiting for the results of an STD rapid test in the nurse's room in the hostel.

Cody always hated his heats, despite how helpful and loving I was and how much I limited the pain. So, my mind instantly went to helping an Omega whom I care about; I'm not even sure why I care so much about Everest.

He's captured my attention and I'm growing to care about him; I want to protect him and at least make him feel as though someone cares about him. His mate didn't, and that is the worst pain to feel, so if it takes me giving myself to him for a week, I'm going to do it.

"All of your test results came back negative. Now, who is the person you are going to be spending this week with?" the nurse asks me, pulling out a large index. "Some of the Omegas here have special conditions, so we ask these questions to keep them safe."

"Everest. I'm not sure of his last name, but I also don't think that his name is super common, so hopefully you know which one he is," I say, still sitting on the examination table.

The nurse's expression changes to a saddened one. "Ah, I know which one he is," she says softly, flipping to a page where there's a picture of a very sad Everest.

It looks like a mugshot, minus the orange uniform and little number plate.

"He's had Alphas help him before, but never someone who's come to get tested for the sole purpose of only helping him," she informs me. "Don't hurt him."

"I'd be an ass if I did."

The nurse chuckles. "Not physically. I meant emotionally. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic, but he keeps it repressed because he's scared to get his hopes up. The fact that you're doing this for him... it scares me a bit that he'll loose himself in that fact. Have you found your mate yet?"

"He's dead."

"I'm sorry for your loss," she says, opening a drawer and handing me a small bottle. "Other Alphas have left mid-heat due to his anxiety attacks. This is a medication that should reduce the attack and it will also knock him out for a few hours so he can relax. You need to get him to put it under his tongue and let it dissolve for it to have the quickest and best impact."

I take the bottle. "I'll take care of him, I promise."

She nods and looks toward the door. "Go on, bring your results to the front and then go see your Omega."

My Omega...

I haven't even thought those words in years. Sure, I suppose Everest is my Omega for the week, but I'm unsure of the usage of those words. We don't owe each other anything.

Well, except good sex for the next week.

I hand my results to the front, but before I can head back to Everest, the man working at the desk stops me.

"Why did you move here from Italy?" he asks me. "I can't find much on you before you moved to America."

"I didn't get along with my family so my mate and I moved here. He passed away, and I couldn't find it in me to go back. I didn't leave due to any criminal history or anything like that, and I have the documentation to prove that I moved legally and don't have a criminal record."

The guy nods and I give him the information he needs to check the background I had in Italy, and I pass his test. Not that I ever did anything illegal, but I did remove some things that could throw potential employers off.

Plus, I removed the part where Cody was murdered and replaced it with a diagnosis of cancer. Fake hospital bills were added to the mix and I have a good story.

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