"I approve of him.Tell me what you think"his father beamed

"Dad if you like him then what can I say.You have already made up your mind about giving him your blessings"

"I have invited him for lunch next Saturday to make things official.I would really love it if he becomes my son in law.He is respectful and cultured.I'm sure his parents taught him well"

"Are you happy ?"

"Of course.Every parents wishes that their children settle down in life.And Taehyung has the means to take care of you and your siblings when I'm gone.I have complete faith in him"

Taehyung was really something else.He had won over Mr Jeon in one day.What exactly had he done to him.

"Dad I don't want to get married and leave you alone to go and stay with another man"he pouted

"Do you think I want you to leave either but that's just the way things are.You cant stay in your father's house forever.You have to start your own life and your own family."

"Is procreation that important?"

"If it wasn't you wouldn't be here"

"But dad Taehyung and I don't know each other that well.I don't think its wise for us.."

Only if his father knew Taehyung as much as Jungkook did.

"Jungkook I think 2 and half years is time enough for him to know that he needs you in his life.Besides you have your whole life to get to know each other.Even after marriage.I have high hopes for the two of you"

Jungkook didn't want to disappoint his father but he wished there was another way to let him know what his "ideal son in law had done in the name of love.Would he still want the marriage to happen?What more excuses was he going on come up with so his father won't get him married to Taehyung.

Honestly Jungkook felt like if he allowed Taehyung to get away with the stunt he pulled then he would be encouraging him to do more.He would be damned if he doesn't give him piece of his mind.

After dinner Jungkook texted Taehyung telling him they needed to meet up as soon as tomorrow.The alpha gave him the time and place.Of all places they could meet he chose his suite.However Jungkook was too upset to dwell much on the location.All he wanted was to kill a bitch.

That night he barely got any sleep.He felt like he was going out of his mind.While he waited for time to pass he did chores.It also  diverted his mind from having bad thoughts.Once he was done with every chore in the house he had breakfast,took a shower and got dressed.

He managed to arrive earlier than the time they had discussed but he was too upset to care.Anger had gotten the better of him which led to him opening the alpha's door without knocking.He found the alpha in only a towel around his waist and wet hair.

"You are early.Way too early"

Jungkook shut the door with a bang and strode over to the alpha"Just what do you think of yourself."

"Can I get dressed first?"

"No I don't have time to wait for you"Jungkook was tapping his foot on the floor with so much urgency

"But I can't promise you that the towel around my waist is secure"Taehyung's tone was teasing.

On second thoughts seeing that unforgiving size of a dick again would make Jungkook mulnfuction but whatever.He was just going to keep it short and  simple before he forgets all the words he had in store for the alpha.

"So that was your big idea.To get my dad involved.Taehyung what wrong have I ever done to you?"Jungkook shot at the alpha.

"You never done anything wrong to me"

"Then why?Why do you even want to marry me"Jungkook asked in frustation

"I have told you that I love you.How many times are you going to say it?"he asked with his voice an octave lower.

"Taehyung it's not love if you force a decision on someone.I don't think you know what love is.You don't love me.This is an obsession.All you want to do is personalize me"

Taehyung snickered"You think my love is an obsession?"

"Yes it is.You should know no means no.Is it a crime that I don't want to be with you.Huh?"he half yelled

In a second Taehyung had Jungkook back against the wall.He had his hand against the omega's waist.

"Jungkook....I don't take rejection all that well.If you can't give into me then we become enemies"

Jungkook scoffed"Is that supposed to scare me.Taehyung my decision stands .I won't marry you so better make peace with that fact.Give me a good reason why I should marry you and I will do it in a heart beat"

"You are hurting my feelings"Taehyung said without any emotion.

"You shouldn't have pulled that stunt.I will marry when I want.When I feel the need to.You can't make a decision for me.And Taehyung what makes you think I will marry you after what you did to me.Even if you were the last man on the planet I would never marry you"there was fire in the omega's eyes and Taehyung couldn't blame him in the slightest.

"What can I do to make you forgive me?"the alpha sounded broken and somewhat sincere.Jungkook also felt a pang in his chest but he ignored it.No mater what he wasn't going to let his heart win today.

"Just stay away from my family.I really can't believe that at the cemety I actually felt sorry for you ,comforted and what did you do to me in return.You stabbed me in the back"the omega grimanced

"It was nothing personal"

"Yeah right.Unhand me.Now I wish you luck with whatever plan you are going to come up with next.I'm not going to give in without a fight Taehyung.Better keep that in mind"

With that Jungkook stepped away from the alpha and walked out.It felt so damn good to render Kim Taehyung speechless .He gave himself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done.

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