16. December

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Xiao: "..What-"

Tàiyáng: "Xiao? you okay?"


Tàiyáng: "You okay? You zoomed out."

Xiao: "D-Did I?"

Tàiyáng: "Yeah, pretty much."

'So.. it wasn't real..?!'

My face turned bright red as I looked at Tàiyáng embarrassed, I hide myself behind the blanket and closed my eyes.

Xiao: "I'm sorry! Please don't look at me for a sec.."

Tàiyáng: "Are you okay? Have you gotten sick?"

'Oh gosh.. how embarrassing..!'

As Tàiyáng came closer to me I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, when he then touched my hand I completely lost it. I stood up and left the room, as I left I could feel the eyes of Tàiyáng looking at me but I didn't turn around, I was to embarrassed.
When I was outside I decided to go to the village to calm down a bit, but I also wanted to drink something with the Mayor again.
When I arrived at the Village everyone welcomed me with open arms.

Mayor: "And I thought you died Yaksha-sama, how have you been?"

Xiao: "My sincerely apologize for being away for such a long time Mayor."

Mayor: "It's fine Yaksha-sama, I'm sure you and the shrine priest had a lot of fun."

Xiao: "Uhm.. yeah.."

Mayor: "Hmm, I see."

Xiao: "See what?"

Mayor: "That something is bothering you, let's go have a drink and you can tell me all your worries."

Xiao: "uhm, thank you?"

Mayor: "It's fine, come on then."

I nodded and went with the Mayor to a bar that he freshly opened.
When we sat down he ordered lots of alcohol and some snacks.

Mayor: "So tell me Yaksha-sama, what happened between you and our little prince?"

Xiao: "..we uhm.."

Mayor: "only the latest events please, I don't really want to know all of your little secrets."

Xiao: "Okay then.. uhm.. Tàiyáng and I were in Telepatía-"

Mayor: "TELEPATÍA?!"

Xiao: "Huh?"

Mayor: "You were there, with him?! He allowed you to enter??"

Xiao: "Why shouldn't he?"

Mayor: "Uhm.. because.."

Xiao: "because?"

Mayor: "..I don't want to sound rude and all but.. Telepatía is a city only for mortal beings, everything that is not 100% human isn't allowed there.."

Xiao: "What..? Why?"

Mayor: "..Telepatía is a really difficult place to stay.. you see, this city may be beautiful and popular but it's also very weak. When the shrine priest was still younger he created a shield to protect the city from monsters, and that's how the city always stayed save even when he wasn't around."

Xiao: "And what happens when a non human creature gets inside that city?"

Mayor: "Well normally that's not the case but.. if it does happen then the shield will break and monsters can easily take over the city and it's people."

'That's what happened back then.. so.. it was my fault..?'

Mayor: "Anyways, what happened then?"

Xiao: "Well uhm, we danced together and had fun and all that stuff.."

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