10. December

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It was eight in the morning.
I walked around the village with the mayor and we talked about some stuff, such as how it is to look after a whole village and keep it clean and safe, or how to master more than one weapon.
It was really relaxing, but one thing just couldn't get out of my mind..
How was Tàiyáng doing?
Did he get worse?
Did his exhaustion get away?
Does he feel better now?
I was feeling uneasy thinking about that..

Mayor: "You look worried Yaksha-sama, something wrong?"

Xiao: "It's Tàiyáng.. he's sick.."

Mayor: "He's sick? How rare for the shrine priest to get sick.."

Xiao: "Has he never been sick?"

Mayor: "Only once, at that time he had lost lots of blood because of some demons that lost control over their body, he had to fight those alone and got hurt badly."

Xiao: "When was that? I never heard of demons going out of control in this area."

Mayor: "I wasn't even born at that time, we, the people of the village only know this as a fairytale from our grandparents.
It happened 500 years when the moon was in a bright red tone, the monsters that lived here peacefully lost control over their body and attacked every living being, when the moon hit his highest point a god came down the shrine and slashed away the monsters that turned into demons, that god wore a white hanfu with a see-through cape that was covered with snowflake prints and stars. The people that were alive and saw this started to call this god "Hoshi no Kami" which means in the traditional language of Inazuma "the god of the stars"."

Xiao: "And this god was Tàiyáng..?"

Mayor: "Amazing, right? Though it's just a fairytale so who knows if this story is true or not."

'"Hoshi no Kami" a god that controls the stars.. sounds like it would suit Tàiyáng'

Xiao: "But this god slashed away the demons, how did he hurt himself that badly then?"

Mayor: "This god used a power called "Gram Demolition" it's a power that, when you use it wrong, will effect your own body and mental state badly. This god tho did everything correctly but got interrupted by a goddess that looked exactly like the god, this goddess used a magic formal from the stars and hurt the god."

Xiao: "So not only did he get hurt by the impact from his own power but also from the attack from that goddess, that god must hate her for sure-"

Mayor: "Hate you say..? If only it stayed by hate, the god banned the goddess from this forest and took away her powers, this is no hate, it's purely a punishment.."

'Suits Tàiyáng pretty well, he always punishes those who did wrong.'

Mayor: "But enough talking about Fairytales and history, you should better go to the young priest and look if he's doing alright."

Xiao: "Are you sure?"

Mayor: "You look worried Yaksha-sama, so of course I'm sure!"

I smiled a little and thanked the mayor for his agreement.
I left the village and went to the shrine, when I arrived I saw Tàiyáng near the entrance of the shrine and went towards him.

Xiao: "Are you feeling better now?"

Tàiyáng: "Hm? Oh it's you Xiao!"

With a bright smile on his face Tàiyáng ran towards me and jumped into my arms.
He cuddled himself comfortably and gave me a kiss on my cheek, I smiled at him and stroke the back of his head.

Tàiyáng: "What brings you here Xiao?"

Xiao: "Yesterday you asked me if I would come today, and here I am~"

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