CHAPTER 17 - Was It A Dream

Start from the beginning

"Yes... of course. I guess I should have not stayed up till late."

"Is that so? What has kept you up?" She asks playfully.

"The usual. Bad dreams. I guess I am cursed m'lady." Annabelle chuckles at his words. She gestures her carter to drive without her as they slowly walk down the road together.

"How can such angel like you be cursed?" She asks amusedly.

"Angel, eh?" He looks down at her with his eyebrow raised. Annabelle has always had viewed him differently than his brothers. She knew him for five years now and has met all the brothers individually, gotten to know their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, but when it comes to Ryan she is more invested. Though he is an open book, he is yet so mysterious to her. Every time she talks to him she gets to know a new side of him.

"So what brings you to the village? You rarely come out of your mansion." She asks.

"Oh... I- eh. I am dealing with a... matter. It's urgent and I am actually in a hurry." He balls his fists between his back while being reminded of his hunger.

"Is that so? May I accompany you?" Ryan clears his throat. If she was to find out about his being it could put their lives at risk and he knew that.

"I fancy the offer but I must decline. I still wish you a delightful day, Annabelle."

"That's a shame. Your brothers would kill to spend time with me and yet I am here chasing the one who wants to escape my presence."

Ryan stops and turns to look at her with his arms crossed. He is aware of the role she plays in his brothers' life. She was kind, seductive, beautiful, funny. Of course everyone would be head over heels for her. So is he.

"I'm sorry, Sky. But I think one of my brothers will have to give you company for today."


"Excuse me?"

"You just... called me Sky." She says with confusion.

"N-no I did not." Or did he, he thinks to himself.


Sky... I know that name from somewhere. Of course. It's the girl from my dreams. It isn't the first time I have had such strange dreams. But never have they felt so real. This is the first time I have remembered her name. Just why would I call her that? It is a person of my imagination. There is no reasonable explanation for this.

Annabelle looks at me, clearly expecting an answer from me. But what am I supposed to tell her? That I have just called her the name of a person I have been dreaming of lately?

"I'm sorry but I must go now. I hope we'll be seeing each other later. I invite you to dine with us." From the way her lips move I can see that she wants to elaborate on it. So I make sure we are not being watched before I hold her by her shoulders and look deep into her eyes.

"You will forget I have called you that. We saw each other today but now you want to go and see one of my brothers and spend the day with them."

I watch as she slowly comes out of the trance. She looks up to me with a smile on her face.

"It was nice seeing you, Ryan. I'll see if I can find Jaxon. Hopefully we'll see each other for dinner?"

"I can't wait." I smile and walk away without waiting another second.

"What the hell was that?!" I hiss at myself. I can't help but think about the dream. It seemed so real, only that I couldn't recognize myself. I was so different. So cold, heartless, brutal. I hated every second of watching myself ruin that girl's life. It was like looking through a window and witnessing a crime while being incapable of stopping it.

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