Sarina (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

About half an hour passed by I came out of the smoothie place with a bright smile on my face because I got the job! I was beyond happy. Not to make smoothies, even though I can get a free one, but because I made a big step in my life all by myself.

"Well look who it is."

I turned at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Josh! Tyler! What are you guys doing here?"

"It's called patrolling."

I fought hard not to roll my eyes.

"Don't be like that to her. She's happy to see you", Josh said.

"I fail to see what you're seeing", Tyler said.

Josh came over to me and suddenly lifted me up to spin me around. He's quite tall. I didn't get a chance to see his full height at the party. The guy Miles is a bit taller but tall is tall to me.

"You look super happy, what happened", he said, still holding me.

"I got a job here at the smoothie place. My first job ever!"

"That's awesome!"

I felt another set of arms behind me, snatching me out of Josh's arms.

"That's enough."

I don't know why I'm being lifted around since I'm not on the light side. I know guys are strong, maybe it's technique and not strength. I'm not going to complain, it's fun. I'm just too happy to care.

"What, are you jealous", Josh teased.

"No, you don't go around picking up girls, literally. We have work to do."

Josh and I pouted. I noticed Tyler still had his hands on my waist. Josh looked down at our connection and smirked. He didn't say anything.

I gave him a look, I knew what he was thinking. I think Tyler and I both mentally told him not to jump to conclusions. He quickly removed his hands off of me.

"Congrats again Sarina. We'll see you soon. We need to hang out more, with Grace as well. Tell her I said hi and to call me some time."

"No, you will have no contact with her. I know what you're up to."

"Chill out old man. I do just want to hang out."

I fought back a laugh. It seems like Josh can take jabs at Tyler. I wonder what the history is between them. Maybe I'll find out later.

"Definitely", I said.

Josh started walking off along with Tyler.

Tyler stopped suddenly though. He spoke with his back to me.

"Congrats.", he said and then continued on.

He said what now?

As I watched them leave I felt compelled to say something about what Javi told me. I started to speak but was cut off when someone called out for me.


I turned around, it was Javi. I was extra happy to see him. I looked back to see Josh and Tyler but they were gone.

"Hey, long time no see. What are you doing here", he asked.

I laughed.

"You saw me a few hours ago before sneaking out my window remember?"

"I know, I just missed you that quick."

"Anyway I had applied for a job and just had an interview."


Sarina MaxineWhere stories live. Discover now