Sarina (Chapter 3)

Start from the beginning

We were back on the couch, I was laying with my back on him while his hands were wrapped around me. The T.V was on but we weren't watching it.

"Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Of course Javi."

"You have to promise not to tell anyone though, not even Grace. I'm not even supposed to say anything but...I need some advice."

"I promise..."

I leaned back more, tilting my face up to look at him.

" you know I don't really hang out with the guys on my football team. I told you that it really wasn't my thing. That's one part of it, the other part is what they do. One of them, Kevin, I noticed he was off during the last few months of the season. He just all of the sudden got really good and strong. I joked around with him, asking how he got like that so I could be like him. He then told me, he was using steroids."

"What?! That's like-"

"Very wrong, I know. He told me not to say anything so I didn't. I felt like it wasn't my place at the time and eventually he would expose himself. I eventually learned that some of the other members tried some but didn't get hooked onto it like Kevin. That wasn't the only thing going around. They were also involved in using drugs too. They tried talking me into it but of course I refused. I didn't want to get caught up in that and so I just broke ties with them."

"Gosh Javi! That's crazy...I know you don't want to get in trouble but...they need to get caught. What they are doing is wrong. What if they are like selling it to other students?"

"That's where I was getting to. For sure they are selling it because all of a sudden they just started going out more and buying things. I at least kept track of them on social media, they are always bragging about the stuff they buy and what they are doing. I have a feeling, what if they have some part in these crime organizations? These things are happening so close here. It would make sense."

"What if I go to the police for you. I won't mention you, just what you told me."

"No Sarina. I don't want you to get in trouble. I know if this gets out, they will track it back to me and blackmail me."

"Seriously? What kind of friends are they?"

"Not friends of mine. Not true ones at all."

"What are we going to do? I know we are in our last days of school but...anything can happen just like earlier today. What if those...crime bosses come on our campus or something?"

"I don't know. I feel bad by not saying anything's not easy.'s best if we wait after graduation. That way the school is clear just in case they try something. I would hate for someone to get hurt", he said.

"I guess you're right."

We were suddenly cut off by a noise. It was the door.

"What the? They aren't supposed to be home so soon...unless..."

Javi jumped off the couch, he took my arm, dragging me into the kitchen behind the island just in time before the door opened.

"Yo, anyone home?"

Javi stood up.

"Eric? W-What are you doing here?"

"Uh...I live here...I'm your forgot that quick? Geeze, I was only gone for about two years at school."

"Of course I didn't forget, I just didn't hear that you were coming over"

"I wanted to surprise you guys but I guess mom and dad aren't here."

", they won't be here for a few more days."

"Oh, perfect. I'm here for two months. It's summer break for us now."

"T-That's great!"

"Yep. I wasn't going to miss my little brother's graduation. Graduating top of the class, that's awesome. You will get into any ivy league school for sure."


"I have to go unpack. I'll be back down soon, we can do something together."

"Sounds great."

Javi watched his brother go up to his room.

"Okay, cost is clear", he whispered to me.

He took my hand to lead me to the back door. We snuck around the house.

"I want to take you home but I don't know any excuse to leave", Javi said.

"That's okay. Don't stress it, okay?"

"I'll try. What a way to kill the mood though."

Javi really does look down about it. To help out a little I placed my arms around him for a hug and then I kissed him on his cheek.

"Oh? What was that for?"

"I always kiss you there."

"Yeah there something more Ms. Maxine? Are you diving a bit into our contract?"

I giggled.

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Aw man!"

"Bye Javi."

He waved me off. I took the public bus home a few minutes later. As soon as I got home my parents wanted to know everything that happened. I promised them I would spill if they gave me some space, just a little deal I made so I could hang out with my friends. My parents trust me, I always gave them a reason to. I'm fortunate to not have any relationship issues with my family. I don't wish to have any problems but my life is quite boring, nothing exciting goes on like for Javi and Grace.

Speaking of exciting, I hope Javi doesn't get in trouble with what he told me. That's serious with what the football team is doing. I really want to help but he said not to. Maybe if I tell him...that officer. I was put off by his behavior but maybe it was just because he was tired or something. He can't be a jerk all the time or he would get fired.

After dinner I went up to my room again where I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Graduation is around the corner, thankfully my parents are letting me choose what I want to do instead of forcing their wishes on me. They still want me to sign up for school soon but I told them it's best I thought about it first.

I let out a sigh.

Sleep is what my brain needs right now, I'll just have to figure things out over the next few days. 

Sarina MaxineWhere stories live. Discover now