A movie. A fucking movie?! WHY THE FUCK ARE WE DOING A MOVIE?!! They all got assigned different 'characters' and she flew in a whole filming crew to film to do a movie on said characters. All this work for money when they can just sell a pencil they touched for about three times my life worth. Also, guess whose working the crew for the crew....that's right, the three commoners!! I fucking hate this place sometimes....

      We worked hoses, brought towels, manned lights, did some camera work, and so much fucking work only to be somewhat yelled at by Renge. We just finished filming Tamaki's scene, so we got a little break to relax, but that didn't mean much. Dayna got a quick drink of water before carrying some props to the location for the next filming session. During this, she walked by Renge talking with Haruhi and two....odd looking guys. By the looks of it, Renge was being her which was already a problem for the guys. Dayna called us over to watch with her. "Okay, just stand by over here," Renge yanked one of the guy's arms. He got angry quick, pushing her into some wood that was  propped up by the wall. I do have to admit...we all laughed a bit when that happened. Yeah, Haruhi jumped in to take the damage, but that didn't really stop the chuckle we had. Tamaki rushed over because of the noise, and saw Haruhi with tear-filled eyes which made him go into protective mode. The rest of the group gathered slightly when Haruhi explained that it's not what it looks like. Tamaki walked over and asked Haruhi if she was alright with a sad expression.

      "Cameraman, did you catch that?" Renge yelled while looking back at her crew. They gave her the thumbs up, and she looked up with a tearful smile, "Except for the contact falling out, that was the ideal last scene!" Shaking my head, I walked toward the little gathering of tress, "Alright, this is going too far." On my walk, Kyoya walked up to me with a large rock in his hand. Staring up at him with a blank expression, I took it and nodded. "All it needs now is for Kyoya-sama to provide some moving narration," Renge beamed with glee. CRACK! I smashed the camera's lens, making the crew freak out. Kyoya stood next to me as Renge looked worried at him, "Kyoya-sama?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I am extremely displeased at the way you're acting like such pest." That shook her to her core, making her eyes widen and slight tears spill out. She fell to her knees and cried out, "Kyoya-sama, you're supposed to tell me not to worry about it, and then gently pat me on the head! Why would someone-" "That's the thing," Everyone turned to look at me. "He's was never anything close to that. That's not Kyoya." Dropping the rock, I put my hands in my pockets to walk back inside. 

      Haruhi went over to talk with her, and after Savannah sighed when walking over to help her up. "Look," She looked Renge in the eye. "I don't like you for many different reasons, but I can tolerate you at the most. I will never stoop to your level of mind, so...you get pass. Same with you, Dayna?" She looked back at Dayna, who just shrugged. With that sort of situated, Savannah turned to Kyoya, "As for you..." Her stare at her turned into a cold glare, and Dayna started to join in with her. Savannah took in a deep breath, "You are such an asshole! What kind of person are you to call someone who cares about you stupid?!" The group gasped. "Rose cares for you, and you know that! Yet, you keep insulting her like that! Mess with my friends, my FAMILY, and you mess with me!" She kept going. Dayna nodded her head, "You act like you're such hot shit, but take away the money and you're just a smug bitch with a god complex." They both kept going on and on with this with the others trying to calm mostly Savannah down. Meanwhile, Tamaki wandered off to go find me. 

      He walked into the club room, hearing a soft tune of Victor's Piano Solo from Corpse Bride. My eyes were closed the whole time, simply playing from the heart, so I didn't notice him slowly walking to me. It was only when he took a seat I finally realized he was there, but I didn't say anything though. "Are you-" "Please stop asking that...I hate that question at the moment." We both didn't say anything, only letting the notes fly through the air and lift the tension far away. After about 10 minutes, keeping his eyes on my hands while I played, he asked, "Is Kyoya the reason you're still working for us?" I smiled a bit at that, shaking my head, "To be honest, all of you are the reason I'm staying. I like...hanging out with you guys. Kyoya is slowly becoming the reason I've thought about leaving multiple times. I don't need someone else telling me I'm next to dirt...I already fill that job perfectly." Neither of us said anything after that for the rest of the day.

      When the next day rolled around, it turned out that Renge was actually really staying. After all of that nonsense, Savannah brought over a cup of tea to Tamaki, "You deserve it. Helps the nerves." "Thank you....you really do care for everyone, don't you?" She was surprised to the question, but sitting next to him, she started to answer. "Why wouldn't I? These guys are like my family really, and if anyone messing with them...I will protect them," She looked off and thought about multiple memories of us three. "Tamaki," She looked back at him. "Would you like to help me with a little project I'm working on?" 


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