Chou T.

Chou Tayang?

I felt my heartbeat pick up at the name. 

Chou, it couldn't be him, right? Then she must also-

My eyes looked back at his, and that's when I saw it. 

They had identical eyes, just the same, nothing was different. The same color, the same eyebrows, and exactly the same shape and expression.

"Well, I'll leave you to it, have a nice day." Tayang said and then left me there, standing with my back to the door. 

Did this mean that she was back?

No, right?

Just because he was here doesn't mean that she also was here, though they did both move away together.. this must just be a coincidence. 

I put my thoughts away and turned to the door. My hand reached for the handle and I opened the door.

~->                             •                              <-~

Nayeon's POV

I was ready to go home today, my time being here has finally came to an end. The hours felt like days and the days felt even longer.

Luckily the staff were very kind to me and so were other patients that laid in the same hall as me.

The time that I was here was great, aside from the first few days that I was here. The pain I felt was intolerable, but I pulled through, so all was fine.

I had gotten some clothing from the hospital for my leave, because my own clothing didn't seem comfortable enough for me at this time.

They gave me a pair of loose jeans and a printed t-shirt with Yoda on it. To be honest, it was a great and comfy outfit. I especially loved the Yoda on the shirt. The sneakers also fit me well.

At this point, I was sitting on my bed, looking out of the window at the world outside. I missed going to work, I missed the students and especially my home.

I wanted to feel the comfort of my own bed at night and be able to wake up to my alarm clock, just to get ready and go to work, and come back again in the evening. 

The opening of my door was what snapped me out of my deep thoughts. I quickly stood up and turned to the door to see Park enter with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 

Were those for me?

"Ms Park!" I exclaimed happily and made my way over to her.

I was glad to see her. She was the first face I saw when I came back to consciousness that day, she was the one who was by my side right away and tried to comfort me. 

Even though I was detached, I understood what I saw but couldn't figure out what everything meant at that moment.

"Hello, Nayeon, how have you been?" I heard her say in a soft-spoken way, but yet somehow keeping her voice somewhat deep and sultry. 

As I stood infront of her, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a close hug. I really needed this right now, especially from her. I didn't know how to thank her yet, but I will see that in the future.

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