
It was the last hour of the day and I'm in history class along with Dahyun beside me. She hasn't talked to me at all since break.

I wouldn't blame her, I'd get pissed off and jealous too if I were to see her sitting on my girlfriend.

I don't even understand why Mina had done that infront of Dahyun, even in general I didn't understand why she would've done that. She was holding me firmly against her- her breath against my neck was absolutely nerve wrecking.

And her eyes, it was like she was trying to look into my soul. And I know that she got a glimpse, but I didn't know exactly of what.

I peered over at the girl beside me. She was busy writing something in her notebook.

The guilt had come over me once again. I didn't like how things were between us right now, the silence.

It's like we're strangers.

As a matter of fact, Dahyun and I got along very well. We share quite some similarities in hobbies and things we are interested in. We even hang out at times after school and play games. The both of us were great when we we're with each other, but when others were around- specifically Mina, that just is forgotten.

And that really bugged me, because I'd love to improve the friendship I had with Dahyun.

I attempted to break the stillness between us by tapping her on the arm, but she ignored me.

So I did it again, harder this time.

No success.


No response.


Was she seriously going to act like this?

"Kim Dahyun."

An annoyed sigh left her mouth as she turned her head, she looked pissed.

"Listen, I'm really sorry for what happened between Mina and I this morning. You know it meant nothing, it was just a hug. I get it if you took it in a different way than it was, but I want you to know that-"

"Just leave Mina alone."


"What do you mean?" I murmured and looked at her with a dazzled face.

Her body turned to mine and she looked me straight in the eyes, "Leave my Mina alone." She said again, but much more serious this time.

There was no hint of a joke on her face and her stare was distant. "I don't want you to touch her whatsoever, you dare lay a finger on her and you'll have nine instead of ten."

Wow, okay then.

I looked at her in disbelief before turning back towards the teacher, not paying any attention to her this whole lesson.

Who was she to tell me who to touch or not, nobody in that case.


We ignored each other till the very end of class.

Until we were all at the gates of school.

Dahyun was clinging onto Mina like she would die if she were to let go of the blonde.

"Will we see each other again at the park tomorrow morning, Chae?" Mina had asked me.

Mina and I had the routine of meeting up in the park before school and then heading there together since we didn't live too far apart from each other.

Dahyun's glare was scaring me. Perhaps I should play it safe, for now. She threatened to cut off my fingers one way or another, and I didn't know what this girl was capable of.

"Uhm, sorry I can't be there tomorrow, Mina. I have to walk my dog first before heading to school." I lied and right away, an evil grin made its way onto Dahyun's face.

What is her problem?

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Well, I'll see you at school then!" She said and walked away with Dahyun under her arm.

"We should also get going, Sana. Or else we'll be late for your nail appointment." Momo said to her best friend when she looked at her, but Sana seemed confused.

"Nail appointment, which nail appointment? My next appointment is next week." She said and studied Momo's face, "O-Oh! Yes, my nail appointment, of course. How stupid could I be, I can't count these days." Sana laughed and rubbed the back of her neck.

The black haired girl shook her head, "All that falling must be doing some bad stuff on your brain." Momo laughed with her and looked at me, "You know how clumsy she is.. she trips over her own feet."

These two are so odd at times.

"Well, I won't hold you two from it. I'll see you girls tomorrow, see ya!" I waved them goodbye as we took our ways.


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