♡ Chapter 14 ♡

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"I told you It's not that I'm unhappy...I'm just not sure it's for me."

Aubreyanne watched Zaria run a frustrated hand through her hair as she paced around with her phone pressed to her ear.

"Zach. Confusion is normal. I just..." She let out a breath. "I don't want to keep making rash decisions in my life. I'm an adult now, and every single one I make is a long-term decision"

Aubreyanne didn't want to eavesdrop on Zaria's conversation with her brother especially since it sounded super serious, but for that same reason, she didn't want to interrupt her. She also couldn't just leave, she'd come all the way just to see Zaria.

Her relationship with the woman was quite interesting, which seemed to be the only word in her vocabulary when it came to Zaria, to say the least. At the office, they were completely professional like they hadn't spent entire weekends together, then again the second they were out of the office it was like they'd been childhood friends for years.

Now Aubreyanne was second-guessing her decision to randomly come over. Sure it wasn't entirely random but she only sent Zaria a text as she left her house, not even checking for a response. It had been a long week, and she was desperate to just go out for a drink. Case was out of town with Jackie and Kathy but, Aubreyanne knew deep down that Case being gone wasn't the reason she found herself in the lobby of Zaria's apartment.

Zaria didn't seem to notice Aubreyanne's presence as she continued to pace from side to side on the phone. Even the receptionist looked worried the carpet would wear out from all the rapid pacing.

"I might.....I'll think more about it," Zaria said turning around. "I'm not sure I want to qui-" Her gaze met Aubreyanne's and she stopped in her tracks, her face fell slightly. "I uh I gotta go...yea I'm fine...love you too, bye" She hung up the phone and walked up to Aubreyanne with a smile.

~ ~ ~ ~

"This place looks a little too fancy for just a drink," Zaria said as she scanned over every detail of the tall elegant building, all its lights from different rooms on its numerous floors stood out against the darkness of the night making the moon dim in comparison.

She had to admit Aubreyanne randomly asked her to go out for a drink on Saturday evening...well she didn't necessarily ask, but it was still surprising. Zaria was hanging out with Serena at her apartment when her phone chimed and she looked down to find a message from Aubreyanne.

Aubreyanne: We should go out for a drink. I'm on my way to pick you up.

Still, Zaria was not protesting as she rushed to get ready, even now as Aubreyanne shrugged and led the way into the building greeting the doorman and heading straight for the elevator.

They descended a few floors. "it's technically a hotel, and there's a casino on the top floor" Aubreyanne said as the elevator doors slid open. "I'm a sponsor or whatever...but I just prefer the bar over those filled with loud drunk men"

"You surprise me every day Aubreyanne Kaine" Zaria chuckled as she looked around the elegant-looking bar.

Aubreyanne smiled at her. "I do try"

They took a seat at a small high table and ordered drinks, Aubreyanne opted for a whiskey while Zaria went for a cocktail. They ended up slowly nursing and mostly forgetting their drinks as they got lost in conversation.

Aubreyanne was sure the conversations she had with Zaria were the silliest and most pointless conversations she'd ever had in her life, yet somehow they were the best. Never had she genuinely smiled all through an evening and laughed so much. It wasn't due to the alcohol seeing she was still on her first glass until the end of the night. She just had to admit to herself that she genuinely enjoyed Zaria's company.

Zaria didn't want to talk about deals, business....or bug about her love life. Zaria just asked stupid questions that Aubreyanne hadn't been asked since primary school like her favorite color, and she loved answering them. Zaria listened intently and seemed to take note of everything.

"you're scared of chickens?" Aurbeyanne sorted, trying her best not to double over from laughter at the image, as Zaria rolled her eyes.

"You promised you wouldn't laugh if I told you" Zaria deadpanned, but let out a small chuckle as she took another sip of her cocktail. Aubreyanne apologized as she continued to calm herself. It wasn't that it was all that funny, but she just seemed to be on a happy, euphoric high.

"Ok, I'll tell you something about me. You can't tease me about it, but I'll let you laugh because it's ridiculous" She said piquing Zaria's interest.

Zaria smiled, leaning over the table. "This is gonna be good"

Aubreyanne rolled her eyes, then looked from side to side to make sure nobody was listening then she leaned forward to whisper to Zaria. "I may or may not be afraid of birds and butterflies. Once I had an outdoor event and there were so many I had to spend the whole three hours discreetly running away"

Zaria looked at her blankly for a moment before she almost doubled over the table. "And you dare to laugh at me?" She asked laughing.

"Mine's a valid fear, things that can fly are just a no-go," Aubreyanne said matter of factly. "but you're afraid of something you eat"

Their light conversation went on for the rest of the night until it got close to midnight and Aubreyanne offered to take Zaria home. "I'm glad we did this. It's quite an enjoyable way to spend my evening" Aubreyanne said, the hints of pure joy still in her tone.

Zaria nodded, turning her gaze from the city lights as they drove by. "we should do this again... next time. Slushes on me"

Aubreyanne raised an eyebrow. "is that a cocktail?"

"You don't know what a slushie is?" Zaria asked leaning over the center console slightly. "It's like shaved ice in a drink, but not shaved ice"

"Have you ever considered becoming a teacher...you're amazing at describing things" Aubreanne chuckled earning herself an eye roll from Zaria at her sarcasm.

"Now I won't feel bad for making you drink slushies all weekend" Zaria chuckled. "if you thought milkshakes were bad you're in for a treat with these."

Aubreyanne shrugged and looked over at her for a brief moment before her gaze was back on the road.

"I look forward to it as always Regan"

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