♡ Chapter 12 ♡

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Are you a fucking Idiot?

That's what most would be asking Zaria and if not she was asking it to herself. God knows what came over her when she practically demanded Aubreyanne, her boss, to clear her schedule on a freaking Saturday to spend the day 'being a child with her not even knowing if Aubreyanne wanted to.  She really couldn't tell you what had possessed her.

She stared down at her phone nervously biting on her nail. Maybe she should just send the text, but Aubreyanne had given her this number so she could call if she was having a panic attack and she wasn't...yet.

She sighed and hit her head against her palms. "you're so stupid Zaria" She mumbled. Maybe she should just cancel, but then again what if Aubreyanne had actually cleared her schedule? 

"Regan. Don't be late" 

Aubreyanne had mumbled those words to her before she left the office, without an explanation. Maybe she was talking about their plan, Zaria felt uncertainty grow in her stomach. Maybe I am going insane

At the moment it had made her smile that Aubreyanne could possibly be looking forward to their plans. She took a deep breath, and before her brain could list another seventy reasons why she was so stupid. She pressed send. 

Hey, It's Zaria Regan. I was just texting to ask if you're ready

She was ready to delete it, but the small read had already appeared under the message, then typing bubble

Aubreyanne: I know it's you, Regan.

How? She hadn't texted Aubreyanne's personal number...unless she had already saved Zaria's number. She didn't have time to linger due to her phone vibrating once more

Aubreyanne: You're late

Zaria: But we didn't even agree on a time.

Zaria: Forget I said that. I'm on my way.

There was no response so Zaria hopped up and picked up her bag that had been sitting on the counter ready since the early morning just as she was. 

Minutes later her car pulled into the driveway she stared up at the two-story, dark-colored house feeling a now familiar feeling in her stomach. She sucked it up and took a deep breath, walking up the smooth cement path to the front porch.

She knocked lightly on the door, and it soon swang opened revealing Aubreyanne who stood there wearing a pair of grey slacks and a white blouse neatly tucked into them. She looked way too formal in contrast to Zaria who wore black flair pants with a sage green low cut, but not too low top,  and had her hair in a half up half down held by a green ribbon. 

She couldn't help but glance over at Aubreyanne with a soft chuckle. "you do know we aren't going for a meeting?" She asked softly.

Aubreyanne crossed her arms glaring at Zaria. "Well, how was I supposed to know if you didn't tell me where we're going?"

Zaria couldn't help but notice the almost pount-like expression Aubreyanne wore. "You should probably change into something more...comfortable and casual"

Aubreyanne sighed and turned around walking into the house and letting Zaria hesitantly follow. Though she stayed at the entrance as Aubreyanne headed for the stairs. 

"Come on," Aubreyanne said once she noticed Zaria was not following. "You're helping me choose something more...casual as you put it" 

Zaria chuckled but set her bag down on the small table as she followed Aubreyanne up the stairs. The last time she was here she hadn't seen the upstairs. There was a hallway with quite a few doors that were all shut. 

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