♡ Chapter 3 ♡

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Her first day at work was certainly something. Zaira could admit that much. Yet as the week went by she convinced herself it was a life she didn't mind leading. She hadn't spoken one on one with Aybreyanne since then, but she'd seen the woman around when she wasn't cooped up in her office.

Admittedly Zaria's curiosity was eating her up inside. AubreyAnne was a closed-off woman, despite how she was widely talked about and sought after by interviews. She never agreed to any interviews, she couldn't even be traced on any social media. Her entire life besides her fearsome nature, which even Zaira doubted was even accurate, was only left up to the imagination. 

Don't get her confused. Aubreyanne was still harsh and demanding, but never in a bad way. Everyone in the office, although some still fearful, seemed used to how things worked, and Zaira was beginning to grasp it.

Despite surviving her first week, she wouldn't survive much longer if she didn't get some food in her apartment. so she reluctantly dragged herself off the couch. Not bothering to dress up, she just threw on her favorite sweatshirt and shorts then quickly put her hair up in a ponytail as she grabbed he belongings. 

She slid into her same silver car and just used her GPS to find the closes grocery store. Finding parking was easy, seeing the lot was quite empty and when she walked into the store goosebumps rose on her skin due to the cool air from the air conditioning. It wasn't a particularly hot day, spring was only bringing to after all. 

She picked a little basket and cruised through the isles, filling it with all times she needed and checking them off on her list. "Dish soap, check. Next is milk, right. Milk" She mumbled to herself as she read off the list.

As she turned to go down the aisle she heard a slightly familiar voice. Yet she couldn't place it. She paused, then glanced over to see the last person she had expected. Aubreyanne Kiane. Dressed in a pair of tights, and a t-shirt with a fanny pack around her waist, her shot hair pushed behind her ear and she still managed to bring her intimidating Aura with her despite being dressed so casually. Maybe it was just the way she carried herself. 

It wasn't the casual clothing that surprised Zaria thought. It was the smile Aubreyanne wore as she crouch beside the little girl picking out candy. At first, Aubreyanne didn't seem to notice the eyes that bore into her, but once she turned around and her eyes locked with Zaria's. The pearly smile Zaira found herself hypnotized by, fell and Aubreyanne's lips pressed together as she stood up and faced Zaira. 

"Uh" Zaria began to panic, not sure what to say or do so she just blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "I wasn't stalking you I swear" 

This only earned her a weird look from Aubreyannne, who crossed her arms over her chest. "That didn't even come to my mind, but now I'd suspect you are" She deadpanned. 

"No well you see I was just here to get groceries so I don't die because the human body requires food to live and not die, so I was getting some to stock up in my apartment, and I was getting some dish soap then I realized I didn't get milk so I was like 'oh shoot yea I need milk' because it's like a basic ingredient and did you know it's packed with nutrients, calcium and vitamins especially vitamin a and b12. it's really good for your bones too. So I-" Zaira cut herself off when she noticed Aubreyanne's dull expression had twisted into a small smirk, or might one dare to say a smile, and she stared at Zaria with amusement. "I'm rambling on aren't I?" She sighed, feeling her face heat up and probably redden from embarrassment.

"I was curious to see how far you'd go to explain what you were doing at a grocery store" Aubreyanne confessed, as she used her hand to shield her lips that were still twisted in a smile. Zaria noticed, but just as she was about to speak the little girl moved to Aubreyanne's side and tugged at the older woman's clothing. 

"Who is she?" She asked pointing towards Zaria. Aubreyanne took the girl's hand and glanced from her to Zaria. 

"My name is Zaria" At least her soft spot for kids was still there. "Is she your daughter?" Zaria asked casting her eyes to Aubreyanne for a moment. It wasn't hard to believe the woman would have a secret daughter that nobody knew about.

Aubreyanne chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Oh god no," She said waving her hand dismissively. "She's my niece, Kathy"

"Well it's nice to meet you, Kathy," Zaira said with a small smile and wave, which Kathy reciprocated with her free hand. "I used to babysit for my brother and best friend all the time" She wasn't sure what compelled her to reveal that information but she just shrugged. 

"I'm babysitting for my best friend and her wife," Abreyanne said causing Zaira to stand up and look at her.

"Her wife?" She asked softly, but upon noticing the skeptical look Aubreyanne sent at her she quickly shook her head and hands. "No no I'm not homophobic or anything. In fact, I live around the LGBTQ community. My best friend, he's gay and his husband is bisexual and they have a tans son I'm pretty sure their daughter is lesbian but we haven't had that talk yet. Even my brother's wife is bi. I totally support it. I was just processing. Oh, I knew this girl in college-" 

This time around, Zaria was cut off by the enchanting sound of Aubreyannne's soft laughter.  It sounded almost melodic and all Zaria could think was. Of course, her laugh is perfect too, everything about her is. She still couldn't help a smile at her own growth, despite her embarrassed flush.

"you're ridiculous Regan. it's amusing" Aubreyanne smiled softly, even if most would have taken offense Zaria felt her heart jump slightly at the smile directed at her. 

"Thanks" She mumbled, almost wanting to smack herself for all the stupid things she said including thanking her boss for calling her ridiculous. 

"Aunty A," Kathy said tugging Aubreyannne's arm and seemingly reminding the two women where they were. "We'll miss the show" 

"Oh right," Aubrey turned to Zaria with a somewhat apologetic look. "I promised to take her t see the new peacock exhibit at the zoo. I'll see you at work Monday" She said leading Kathy towards the till to pay for what she picked. "Oh and do me a favor and act like this didn't happen. Thanks" 

"Ah- Oh sure thing" But Aubreyanne had already left the isle and was paying for Kathy's candy. Zaria stood there, confused. No surprise to her as it's all she ever seemed to be lately. 

She felt so light for a second, when she listen to Aubreyanne's laugh it was one thing she couldn't even imagine but now she can't stop thinking about it. Yet Aubreyanne's last words confused her. What didn't she want Zaria to tell people? That she laughs and jokes like a normal human being? That she wasn't the cold-hearted woman she was made out to be? 

Maybe she wants people to be scared of her, to see her as a ruthless and cold-hearted person. Maybe she was only nice to Zaria because of her niece's presence. Whatever it was, it made Zaria realize there was way more to Aubreyanne Kaine than gossipers or anyone knew.

Was Zaria an idiot for wishing to see those parts of her that she hid away from everyone else and put up a false front? Yes. But she wanted to know Aubreyanne Kaine and not the stone scold goddess of the business industry. Yep, she was definitely an idiot. 

But she'd definitely need that milk if it wasn't obvious enough the woman was no easy feat but maybe just maybe this interaction, despite wishing to be forgotten, would open doors and make things easier for Zaria.

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