♡ Chapter 4 ♡

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A week flew by, and Aubreyanne had still not spoken about the 'grocery store encounter' as Zaria began calling it. Aubreyanne didn't bother to acknowledge it at all. Even when it was just the two of them in her office discussing the plans for the project that finally got approved. 

Along with the approval of the new project came a ton more work for Zaria, but she wasn't complaining much because that work was mostly to be done closely with Aubreyannne and gave her more room to create a plan to get closer to the woman. Working closely together would let her observe up close and figure out more about the woman behind the mask. 

She knew deep down that their relationship was to strictly remain, employee and employer, and sure she was no better than all the reporters trying to invade Aunteryannes's privacy for a chance to peer into who she is and her life. Yet she couldn't help herself, it was like the curiosity was clawing at her gut. 

"Colin, can you please let Antonio know that I need his approval on these" Zaria spoke without lifting her gaze from the document she was reading over, she just simply held the file past the divider that separated her cubicle from his. 

"Sure thing," Colin remarked and stood up. She heard him make somewhat of a surprised squeak before he walked away but she assumed he probably almost dropped the papers again. That was until the sound of someone clearing their throat drew her gaze from the white sheets and caused her to crane her neck around only to meet gazes with none other than her boss. 

Aubreyanne towered over her making Zaria have to crane her neck up to meet the woman's gaze. The dull brown eyes slightly scrunched into their intimidating glare, and her arms crossed.

To get one thing straight she wasn't scared of Aubreyanne, but for the woman to leave her office and come to Zaria's cubical she was sure to have done something wrong and therefore she began to panic. 

"Do you need something urgent?" She said as she urged her mind to think through all she was supposed to have done by now. "I already gave the contract files to Andrew to bring to you" That was it, but she continued to rack her brain to think of what else it could be. What could make Aubreyanne leave her office and come all the way here just to speak with her?

"That's not why I'm here," Aubreyanne said gesturing for Zaria to follow her. "I would have sent Andrew, but he's busy as is and I don't want to interrupt his focused mode," She said leading the way back to her office. Other employees cast worried glances as Zaria followed with her head slightly hung low. 

"I'll get to the point since you're probably busy," Aubreyanne said as she took her seat behind the desk and Zaria settled in what had become her usual seat in the woman's office. "I can't elaborate due to confidentiality contracts but...one of the partners that were added under my father is trying to get an increase in their share. The percent they are asking for is completely unreasonable, yet if we lose them as a partner then the company is taking a pretty big hit" 

Zaria blinked once, then twice, then tried to pinch her leg under the desk. "No offense Miss Kaine," She said dryly. "but don't you have like legal advisors for matters like this" She fiddled with the pen she'd ended up carrying with her. 

"I do," Aubreyanne said matter of factly, with a small nod. She pushed off her seat and turned it slightly to stare more at the couch in the corner than at Zaria. "but they all suck up to me and agree with what I think, even changing their opinion to make me think I'm right" She sighed, clearly frustrated. "you seem like the only other person in this building who won't lie to me in fear of losing your job. I like your straightforwardness when it comes to voicing your opinion and your view is certainly...different" 

Zaria felt somewhat proud and satisfied with her words. She straightened up in her seat and cleared her throat, now she felt even more pressure to impress Aubreyanne who was already looking at her with an expecting gaze. "I didn't study law or whatever, but the most simple and basic solution I can give you is to just set up a meeting, to avoid any miscommunication that may happen through people or e-mails. Then ask them why the sudden desire to have a bigger share and why they deserve it now. When people are made to answer basic questions that they may have skipped over to answer the more complex ones it makes them realize just how their logic lacks a foundation" 

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