♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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"Guess there really is no going back," Zaria sighed as she cast her eyes around the apartment. the new furniture and environment were slightly overwhelming but it also carried a sense of hope. Hope that she was doing better, moving on, leaving Tobias behind, or at least she hoped so.

She called her brother to let him know she had arrived fine before she began to unpack. She only carried a few boxes with her, seeing the apartment was furnished. She had her clothes and all her pictures that didn't have him in them. The newfound energy and motivation were something she missed in her life over the past few months.

She had a new apartment that she couldn't wait to cover with all sorts of plants and decorations. She started work in three days and she hadn't cried herself to sleep over the past week. It was a lot of growth for her in just three months and although it wasn't much she was proud of herself.

~ ~ ~ ~

Three months prior

Well moving on from Tobias proved to not be as easy as she had convinced herself. It had only been a week since the breakup but everywhere she went and everything she did seemed to remind her of him. Her favorite places to eat now brought tears to her eyes, her own apartment was unwelcoming and cold despite Zach having gotten rid of every single thing Tobias owned. He was still everywhere.

She would be lying to everyone including herself if she were to claim she had made any progress. Sure she still had her little moments of genuine joy, but just like that night once they left she was suffocated by her thoughts.

She knew her savings weren't enough to support her forever, so maybe it was about time she got back to the real world. A reality that unlike her own didn't stop when Tobias walked out the door. She wasn't sure of anything anymore, even what she wanted to do now. Going back to being a flight attendant was out of the picture for sure, but that left more space for confusion.

Liam and Zach had already offered her a position at their co-owned business but she declined. Although she was eligible due to her business degree that she completed before pursuing flight attending, she still felt as if she had been depending on them too much recently and she hated it.

That one man who was not worth it could do this to her. He crumbled her world, and she lost herself and wasted more than a month of her life on him, all while he was out with the woman he loves now. Even thinking about it made her feel hopeless but she couldn't carry on living like this. She thought back to her spa day with Madi a while ago.

"Why don't you get a job out of town" Madi suggested, her words sounded stiff due to the face mask that was hardening on her skin and the cucumbers that covered her eyes. Zaria who was in the same condition let out a small sigh. "I'm not saying move miles away, but I left my hometown because I was haunted by the memories of my childhood and I wanted a fresh start. It might do you some good to just open your view to the neighboring towns even"

When Madi had suggested it Zaria had told herself that she would never move away from her family and friends, but still opened her range. Something in the back of her mind seemed to constantly whisper Maybe it wasn't such a Bad Idea

~ ~ ~ ~

Now three months later she found herself just one town over at a new job. Naturally, she was nervous about it. She had never actually worked in an office, straight after she completed her degree she began her flight attendant training.

Somehow working in an actual building seemed more stressful and nerve-wracking. As the day approached she grew more anxious about her new job, so much that by the actual morning all the excitement she'd built up had been buried beneath the anxiety.

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