'Well, well, Sirius...looking rather ragged, aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within.'
'Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?'
Remus then lowered his wand, smiling as he helped Sirius up. Sirius hugged Remus, making Hermione and Harry look betrayed, Ron scared and Alyssa confused.

'What in the-' Andy muttered.
'Um, Moony, what the fuck?' James glared at him.
'I don't know!'
'Told you he loved me too much to let me die!' Sirius grinned.

'I found him!'
'I know.'
'He's here!'
'I understand.'
'Let's kill him.'

'Alright Moony, that's just not it.' James said in disbelief whilst Lily looked at Remus in betrayal and said boy looked increasing more confused.

'No! I trusted you! And all this time y-you've been his friend. He's a werewolf!
That's why he's been missing classes.'

Everyone turned to Remus in disbelief who looked as though he was about to cry.
'You're a werewolf?' Regulus asked.
'Um, yes.'
'Oh, cool.'
'What? Don't you think I'm a monster.'
Sirius snorted in disbelief,
'Moony, mate, you fold your socks.'
'Remus, it's not your fault, no one hates you for it- I'd just rather avoid you on a full moon.' Alyssa smiled and Remus laughed lightly.

'Also, I'm a werewolf so you calling me a monster is honestly rather rude.' Luna added causing everyone to look at her as well.
'You're a werewolf too.' Remus asked.
'Yes- are you calling me a monster?'
'Wha-no. No! Of course not, sorry Luna.'
'Well then you're not either.'

'You were still the best DADA teacher regardless.' Alyssa added.
'Although that's not saying much as all the others were literal shit, like they-'
'Alright! Just leave it at the compliment, no need to expand.' Evan cut in.
'Right, sorry. You're a great teacher Remus, honestly.'
'Thank you Alyssa.'

'So that's why you're all animagus.' Lily concluded, 'so Remus has company on full moons?'
The marauders all nodded.
'We couldn't be with him as human, but as animals we could look after him, stop him hurting himself.' Peter explained and Remus smiled,
'And I'm very grateful for that.'

'I knew it!' Lily exclaimed.
'I had a feeling you did.' Remus sighed, 'or at least, you'd figure it out very soon. How'd you know.'
'Always missing classes after the full moon, coming back with scratches, nickname being Moony.'
'I told you guys that was too obvious!' Remus groaned to the marauders who shrugged,
'It's a great nickname though- admit it.'

'Not to mention your name, i mean, "Lupin" is derived from the Latin "lupinus," which means "of a wolf." And Remus is a figure from Roman mythology who was raised by a wolf.'
'Wow...I never realised that.' Sirius frowned, 'that is quite the coincidence.'
'Luna means moon in Latin as well- do you think Greyback just goes around looking for people with wolf related names?' Alyssa asked.
'You know what, you may be into something.' Remus nodded.

There was a beat of silence broken by Marlene,
'So what's your animagus Potter? A dung beetle?'
James scowled as the others laughed,
'Actually I'm a stag, a majestic sophisticated stag.'
'How big are your antlers?' Marlene asked.
'Very big.'
'Do they represent your ego?'
'Fuck of McKinnon.'
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're a lovely stag, I mean, at least you can't talk in that form, save us a lot of suffering.'

'How long have you known?'
'Since Professor Snape set the essay.'

'She really is very smart.' Remus nodded.

'Well, well, well, Hermione. You really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met.'
'Enough talk, Remus! Come on, let's kill him!'

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