blind love part-10

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Tea was hiding outside the cafe  watching Namjoon and Jin.
A mountain of questions had risen in his mind.
After all, what was happening? First Suga with Jimin, and now Namjoon with Jin. What are all these people doing after all? And how can Jimin and Jin be so friendly with these people? Since both of them are mafia. T thought to himself.
T: Don't Jin Hyung and Jimin know that Suga and Namjoon are the mafia?
Suddenly Namjoon got up from his chair and stood up. T gets scared seeing Namjoon standing. And thinking of hiding somewhere else, he stands in his place. But there was so much fear in him that T staggers, and is about to fall backwards. That's when someone's two arms held him. T had closed his eyes in fear. But when he opened his eyes and looked at that person, he was about to cry out of fear. That's when that person put his hand on T's mouth. Holding T in one hand, that person was trying to silence T with the other hand.
He said looking at many sides.
Shuks: Please don't make noise. Namjoon Hyung is still here.
Saying this, the person slowly removes his hand from T's mouth. and makes the T stand upright.
T: Hobi Hyung! you here?
T said scared in a low voice, then Hobi also said softly
Hobi: Yes! What is that! Boss has hired me for your safety. When he doesn't have time, I keep an eye on you.
Hearing Hobi's words, T said in surprise.
T: What? Spy! You watch over me I mean wherever I go. You are always around me!
Hobi: Don't be so surprised! Well I am not JK ​​Boss mostly around you. I am around you when the boss is busy somewhere.
T got scared when Hobi told him. where said
T: But why? I did promise. That I will not tell anything to anyone. Then why?
Hobi: T! I don't know, but don't you think that much. Whatever the boss is doing, he is doing it for your own good.
Hearing this thing from Hobi, T said getting frustrated.
T: What good? First got me kidnapped, then tortured me and then tried to force me. And what good is he doing by keeping an eye on me now?
When T asked angrily, Hobi smiled at him and said, pulling his cheeks.
Hobi: Well you look good in anger.
T: Ah!
On this act of Hobie, T thought to himself, how can he touch my cheeks like this.
But then he removed his gaze from Hobi and said while trying to look inside the cafe.
T: I think Namjoon Hyung is gone. So I'm going in.
T, after saying this to Hobi, tries to enter the cafe. So Hobie held his hand.
Hobie: T! You're missing something!
T: (surprised) What?
Hobi: You see, I have come to know of your truth.
T's eyes widened. T was forgotten because of his fear. That he should not let anyone know that he is no longer blind. Hobi knew this truth.
What if Hobi tells JK about this?
T said to Hobi in fear
T: Hobi! Please don't tell JK anything about this. If he finds out, he will kill me. And, and to my Hyung too. please.
T said begging, then Hobi said looking at him.
Hobi: T! You don't need to be afraid. And I will not tell anything to anyone. I just want one thing from you.
Hearing Hobi's talk, T said in shock.
T: What? what do you want?
Hobi suddenly grabbed both the arms of T with his hand.
Hobi: T! i love you You know! When I saw you for the first time, I felt something different about you.
You know! I knew it. That there is some problem in your eyes, but you are not blind. And I deliberately lied to JK. So that I can take you to the mansion, so that I can express my love to you. But where did I know? That JK will be so positive about you.
Hearing Hobie's words, T's senses were blown away. T could not believe his ears. After all, what was he listening to? T asked Hobi, restraining himself.
T: Hobi you're lying! you're kidding aren't you? Please don't joke like that. I am scared.
Hobi: (smiles) No! When did I say that I am joking? I'm telling the truth. Don't you remember last night?
As Hobi reminds T of last night, T is shocked. T said fumblingly.
T: Last night! That was you?
Hobi: Sorry! It was me And who will be But now you stop being afraid. It was just because of what I did last night. Because I wanted to fill your heart with hatred for JK. But I really didn't want to hurt you.
Now leave all these things, I am expressing my love to you, give some answer.
At Hobi's behest, T tries to free himself from him.
T: Hobi! I don't want to answer you, I don't love you. Please don't force me.
Hobi said angrily, holding T's arms tightly.
Hobi: T! Do not force me. If you do not accept my love, then I will tell the truth to everyone that you are not blind. That you saw everything that happened in Sam's house.
T: Ah! Hobi I'm in pain.
Hobi is just smiling. So said T.
T: I will also tell everyone the truth, that you came to my room last night. And you already knew all this. You lied to everyone.
Hearing T's talk, Hobi starts laughing. So T gets upset.
Hobi: T! You are really innocent. You do not know but I will tell you, no one will believe you. And what if you believe it? I will tell them that I lied just because I like you.
Nothing will happen to me but you?
Hobi's talk got T thinking. T many did not understand what to do now.
That's when suddenly Jin started coming out of the cafe, then T gave a loud voice to Jin,
T: Hyung!
When Hobi saw T calling his Hyung, he quickly left T and went to the other side.
When Jin heard T's voice, he turned and started looking for T here and there. After seeing T, Jin came up to him and said
Jin: T! What are you doing here?
T: (fake smile) Hyung! That I was missing you.
Jin smiled at the behest of T and hugged him from the side. And then came inside the cafe with tae.
Tae's eyes widened as Jin brought Tae inside the cafe. Right in the cafe on time JK was coming through the back door. T didn't understand what to do in a panic. He quickly placed his hands on both of his eyes. and said moaning in a little pain
T: Hyung! Ahh! I have burning sensation in my eyes.
Jin says while holding T's hand.
Jin: T! What happened? Go to the doctor!
T suddenly starts crying. She didn't feel like bothering her Hyung at all. But T was badly stuck. He had no way left.
Jin was very nervous when he saw T crying.
Jin sits T on the adjacent chair. And by then JK came there. Seeing Jin upset and Tae crying, JK tells Jin and Tae
JK: What happened? Are you alright? why are you crying
T shudders to hear Jk's voice. Because he had closed his eyes.
Jin and JK were meeting for the first time. Seeing Jin with T, JK understood that he was T's brother. But hearing JK take T's name, Jin looked surprised and said, looking at JK.
Jin: Who are you and T?
JK: Jin Hyung! I am T's friend. I mean I am Namjoon hyungs younger brother.
Hearing JK's words, Jin nodded yes. And then looking at T said.
Jin: T! Let's go! Let's go to the doctor.
Tae panicked and said, stopping Jin.
T: Hyung! Not now! Maybe I'll be fine in a while.
JK: No T! You should go to the doctor. Maybe the light in your eyes.
T stopped JK in the middle and said.
T: Cookie! I said no I am fine, I do not have to go to the doctor please.
Jin said on T's insistence
Jin: I see! Ok! Tae ! We will not go to the doctor, I have come with water, you wash your eyes with water. Okay.
At Jin's behest, T nodded yes.
After this Jin went to get water and now T and JK were here alone.

See you in the next part
Thanks for reading

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