Am I A Monster

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You had been rescued by Yelena and Natasha when they freed the other widows after taking down Dreykov and the Red Room. But with no family and still being a minor Natasha took you in.

Not being able to have a daughter herself meant Nat looked at you like you were her own. Granted you were almost 17 but you never had anyone and now you had Nat. The two of you had grown close in the eight months you had already been living at the tower.

The two of you only grew closer once you had officially joined the team and had begun "official" training with Nat, Bucky and Wanda as Yelena was on a six month mission then visiting Melina and Alexi.

To say Nat was protective was an understatement. But just as Tony was Uber protective over Peter, Nat was the same for you. While you had not explicitly called her mom, you looked at her as if she was. But it felt nice to have someone to have your back and love you, it wasn't something you had the luxury of in the red room.

But on missions you knew that Nat had you back, always... even if the emotional side of it was still new to you.

While all the emotions and vulnerability and contact was unnatural to you because of having grown up in the red room, the team and Nat were so patient with you. Whether it be casually in the compound, or on missions you were finally learning to trust, to show emotion. That neither were a weakness, but a strength.

It wasn't until an almost failed mission on the team did the public find out about you being on the team.

You sat in your room following the mission staring at the TV as the news replayed your mission.

"What right does this 17 year old girl have to be an Avenger" the anchor started. "She's a former KGB assassin and Russian Black Widow. While Natasha Romanoff may have proven her worthiness to be an avenger this girl hasn't."

On and on the news continued to drag you through the mud. The team had the same station on down stairs as they were discussing with Fury how to handle the situation. As the team was coming to a conclusion with Fury a simple word brought their attention straight to the tv.

"This girl is nothing more than a monster... a master assassin waiting to strike..." the team quickly turned it off.

But once they turned it off they heard the same news cast being played in what they could only assume was your room.

Nat quickly took off out of the room to find you. She expected to find you staring at the TV or Wall void of all emotions, just like your training had taught you.

What she didn't expect was to find you curled up on the bed with tears about to fall down your face.

Natasha slowly made her way into your room, not wanting to scare you or cause you to try to hide your emotions. When she finally sat down on the bed you immediately laid your head in her lap, surprising Nat in the process as you still had some issues with physical touch.

Nat sat in silence stroking your hair as she could feel your tears through her leggings, but she would never tell you that.

"Mama" you started and Nat almost started crying right then and there.... "Do you think I'm a monster too?"

Nat was stunned. She half thought you would ask her if you really were a monster (which your not) or something along those lines. She never in a million years believed that you would ask her if SHE believed or thought you were a monster.

Trying to word her next thoughts very carefully she asked you why you thought she would think you were a monster. You slowly sat up and started playing with your fingers before responding.

"Well I mean look what I've done. All those people got hurt because of me and the team could have gotten hurt and I've hurt all those people in the past...." You continued to ramble on and on until whispering "I just thought that with everything I've done you'd also see me as the master assassin and monster that everyone else sees."

Nat cupped your face and tilted it so you were looking at her. "Baby I grew up just like you did. I hurt people just like you did. And I certainly have had my fair share of rough missions. You don't see me as a monster do you?"

You shook you head no before Nat continued.

"I know that a lot of this is new to you but trust me when I say you, my sweet girl are anything but a monster. There is so much warmth and goodness in you that I hope one day you can see yourself how I see you"

You looked at her confused as you didn't know what she meant. Nat only smiled before saying "I see a strong girl who despite her past is not the villain of this story, but a hero... and not just any hero, but my daughter."

By this point you were both crying, as was the team who was hiding behind the half open door.

"I love you mama" you said.

"And I love you more baby" Nat responded while pulling you into a hug.

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